
Topic: I Host a Youtube Show where I Interview ICO, CEO's and Project Managers . . . (Read 55 times)

Activity: 65
Merit: 0
And I would like to know what some of the questions you would like me to ask them?  I have many of the basics, but with ICO's like Benebit, not to mention others that have scammed investors, I want to be a solid source for information on ICO's.  I want the ICO's to worry if I ask for an interview, knowing that if they are hiding something, I will find it.

Of course to do this it takes a bit of support and community backing.  If people trust that I am bringing reliable information, not just doing it for some free coins, then I'm sure they will take me much more seriously, so I'm not taking any coins from these companies.  I'm funding this all my self from my other small businesses that I have, and soon from my mining farm, and sale of my cannabis club.

What questions would you like to hear?  What more do you think I could do to become a more trusted source for investors to turn to?

Note, I hosted FM radio for a few years, as well as internet radio (both in the cannabis industry) for about 8 years.  I'm not fly by night.  Just this week I've booked interviews with the Better Betting CEO, Sp8de Team, Debitum Network CEO and Lympo, CEO. These are all projects with ICO's that just launched recently.

Thank you for your feed back.

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