I cry at night too sometimes
You know I can shop pics anyway, so these are worthless. Read my posts where I mentioned a flash crash possibly incoming before it happened, it's credible that I set up orders just in case.
On the other way... lolwtfohwow. I have no idea why I managed to sell that high. That's why I made the thread; something has been going quite the screwed up way there.
I figured I'm not the only one missing the good times. If I ever get a certain project to work out, I'll make a decentralised chan using it. A real one, anonymous enough for all-out and geeky enough to filter out the idiots. One to rival the old days. It's definitely on my list of things to do, I must only get the necessary pieces of software done first. But even if I don't make it... someone will eventually. It must happen, and with a better platform it will be more epic than ever before! Muahaha!