Perhaps you could have the highest paying programs at the top, then the rest underneath.
Another thing you could do is just make one big table, then have buttons to filter out the different ranks, payouts etc.
I was originally going to put a bunch of buttons on top to choose from. Just to switch ranks. I was in a hurry though so I just made that vase-shaped list page
Bootstrap will make this button array real nice-looking, too!
By the way, the message under the rank selection changes on refresh.
Oh cool, didn't notice that! Do you know any good resources to learn web design/dev?
For design, play with HTML! For dev, play with PHP!
Before you screw with PHP make sure you understand HTML. (You have to use both)
I recommend w3schools. It's a real nice place to start.
Thanks, I've already read through most of the basic tutorials, but I'm just looking for something a bit more advanced. I guess the best way to learn is through practice though.
Basic HTML tutorials, or basic PHP tutorials?
If both, play with SQLite. Make something with that and forms