So, we failed to fulfill our buyer needs for BTC in Amsterdam. What happen?
We were maybe little bit naive so my partner take step and risk his trip to Amsterdam to make this possible and to check our possibilities is this region. We had and still we have our buyer with cash who is ready to buy BTC but our supplier played us like fools. I don't understand why is he doing this, he don't have any profit from this, he only waste his and our time with telling us lies. I talked to this guy for a 2-3 months and he was sometimes strange and didn't act like a serious person who is willing to make money. But in beginning was like this: after short conversation my other partner from Switzerland has come to Netherlands to meet him, they had some problem with communication so this was delayed for 3 days. After they finally meet up btc owner was alone and my partner was with his cash money and some friends as his security. At that moment this guy who claimed to have cca 120 BTC was nervous and started to panic, my contact told me that btc seller was not prepared for this and he didn't bring money verificator. So we decide to call of this deal for next week. To cut this story short, I decide to take this guy in my hands and my another partner was ready to come to Amsterdam to deal with him because I was little bit suspicious about first one after all what happen. And when he has come to Amsterdam then this creep didn't want to pick up phone, and he is still offline. Idk what was the point of all this, we organised everything and deal was half done, he proof btc buyer proofed cash and only meet up and exchange was next and last step.... At this point I dont wanna post here who it is, I like to talk with him, but if he don't contact me and explain I will expose him.
So was this bad experience, really not so bad at all And I tell you why. Yes my partner lost his time and money, that was really bad... But we managed to explain situation to our buyer and we found another good buyer. We will probably start everyday trade with this new buyer next week. Also lot of people PM me and try to help I was really pleasantly surprised with some help from some users and other people which contact me. Not every one here think I'm new member who is trying to scam people
One more time, Thanks to everyone who was helpful to me.
Soon I will post here our new cash to btc exchange offer so you stay in touch if you have interest in such a thing.
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