Could it be Telegram is just not very accurate with it's chat bubbles? The exact size could depend on anything.
I don't know, just in case I searched on the Internet and I can't see any chat bubbles like Royse's
Can you explain what this means? I see a name on top, and a name in the chat. I can't say it's very clear.
The second instance where the name is deleted supposedly from the chat bubble, it doesn't look like it's even with the rest of the text. If we add the drop at the corners of the bubbles, it gives the impression that something has been moved or edited, not simply erased.
Why does the sender need you to do his dirty work? If someone has something to say, he should do it!
In part I agree, and I have not promised to keep the secret, I've been simply asked for. If it were the case, I could say who he is, but as I said he is Legendary, positive trust, a established member of the community.
Here is another invention of Royse777, to say that I create alts to send me PMs, LOL, if he insists by that way I will try to convince the one who sent me the PM to be himself who says he sent it to me or authorize me to say it.
In any case, I don't think I'm going to do it without explicit agreement with that person if I'm not forced to because when Royse777 presented the garbage screenshot that at least doesn't prove anything, nobody questioned it and everyone considered it good, but on the other hand, when I published mine of my outbox I was told that it didn't prove anything. So, why am I going to publish it?
I find it difficult to take your arguments serious if you talk like this.
You are partly right, and since you are partly right, I will henceforth try to spare me the insults, but the part you are not right about is that the truth is what it is, regardless of the fact that you use some insults in several paragraphs.
For the rest, in the chat bubbles I see an inconsistency in the screenshots of Royse777, in some of them there is that drop and in others there is not. Neither in my Telegram nor in what I have been able to see on the Internet there is such a drop, let alone a drop in some chat bubbles and not in others.
On the other hand, the name supposedly deleted does not match with the rest of the text, it seems slightly elevated.
And finally, since Royse777 has deigned to respond, I ask him to publish the other evidence he said he had, such as that screen recording, which I have repeatedly asked him to publish.
Edit, I was leaving the forum, and when I took a last look at the image I saw another proof that it is a gross manipulation. The end of the name at the top does not match the end of the name in the text part: