Try to find a single name on the web site.
If This is allowed NO ONE is safe Owning a single Coin. This Has to STOP. If YOU ALLOW A COIN IN Your NAME, YOU SWAP IT NO MATER WHEN. This MUST STOP.
Even if it means they all go to JAIL.
LOL you are a big Joke
Its your FAULT that you didnt SWAP. You have to watch and take care about your Coin Portfolios! Swap was deadlined and accouned everywhere. Other Coins have 2 Weeks swap over deadline, this Coin had 4 Months from COL>CV2, 3 Month from CV2>COLX and Big Social Announcements everywhere about it.
It is USUAL Practice to do Coin Swaps, If old coin blockchain is broken and couldn't be fixed (COL) / or they want to switch to a new much more better tech (COLX).
(see InsaneCoin and much much more )
Be happy on your own blockchain You can fix it and do what ever you want.