You can't have value with out spending!
Head on over to and start adding value to Bitcoins!
I have access to over 1,000,000 products the only reason why i have no added all of them is becuase of time, and researching the products that people want takes lots of time.
Cut down this time in half but suggesting products that you'd like to purchase. Chances are if you want it i probubly have it! (Sorry no 6990's tho....)
I just went over to your site. I picked out one item at random. I researched no other item. Here is what I found.
Compared to this:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=685&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=5100759309582569421&sa=X&ei=8MZ3Tq3QK47H0AGKv7DzDQ&ved=0CGYQ8wIwAQ
Yep you are correct,
That item is being sold for $41.15 and you can find that most other places are cheaper(except for the "really" really low stuff you need to have memberships for or fulfill some kind of offer) But you are saving money on a $10 bank wire transfer.
Alot of the "cheaper" stuff is the high-priced items you can save over $100 on some of those things!
Thank you so kindly, zenland, for your timely and professional response, of which I accept your explanation. That, alone, goes a long way.