Adsense is a scammer, when you have to get paid they'll ban you and steal your work / money.
Google makes around $ 30 billions every year or at least $ 120 millions monthly only from Adwords/Adsense and lots of money are from banned accounts.
How much $ Google donated to a cause in his history ? roughly 15 millions which 11 are for immigrants worldwide.
Google employees are asked to donate from their pockets.
Actualy if you got banned it's because you are scamming, right?
They have a TOS, you just need to follow the steps, they have a good payment rate because of this bans, this bring more advertises because they will have good clicks...
Yes all sites banned for violating the TOS if one of the sites banned and had deferred revenue it will be returned to the advertiser
Atleast sole network is banned for sure but you can check others and see if they are banned.
So what about this site they have ads on google
They return the value to advertisers? I really doubt that...
I don't think they have all this control, well, it's a hard work to do this lol