On that note. I'm gonna apologize for being so dumb.
Starting from the beginning
I learned about Bitcoins.from.anonplus and I found this
http://www.weusecoins.com/ site< Website
and I downloaded the windows version of the original bitcoin client
http://www.bitcoin.org/< Download link
^ ^ but that is just a wallet
the mining is done with Cpu/gpu miners
If your looking for a video on how to set that up watch
http://www.youtube.com/user/ClearTutorials?blend=1&ob=5#p/u/0/AJeIWT8q1sg< Youtube video
(and subscribe I hope to see a video on a what if)
>the link in the video<
https://github.com/downloads/Kiv/poclbm/guiminer-20110701.exe< Download link
When I do as the video says and try to extract it using the 7z utility I get an error message that reads
# Message
0 Can not open file 'C:\Documents and settings\ user\My documents\Downloads\guiminer-20110701.exe
But when I double click it straight from download it runs just fine, little lines flicker across the black blank window and that is that.
I would prefer a cpu miner, my notebook presario v2000 doesn't have a gpu that I'm aware of. I'm aware of it because it has no 3d accelerator drivers and I can't for the life of me update them.
The first option I chose before watching the "youtube video" was to get a cpu miner, on the grounds I don't have a gpu. jgarzik's CPU miner (instructions)
http://bitcointalk.org/?topic=1925.0< Website
First post #
http://yyz.us/bitcoin/cpuminer-installer-1.0.2.zip< Download link
and I quote him
"UPDATE: This has largely been superceded by Con Kolivas's cgminer fork. See cgminer's official forum thread for updates and details."
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/official-cgminer-mining-software-thread-for-linuxwinosxmipsarmr-pi-4110-28402< Website
this is about when I realized that the bitcoin wallet the "pool" account via
http://mining.bitcoin.cz/< Website
and miner need to be programmed together to cooperate. I can't find that answer.
I ran a search on bitcoining mining and software
http://www.bitcoinminer.com/post/4002371604/miner-pools-software-20110321< Website
Still searching for a cpu miner I found
jgarzik’s CPU Miner
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/new-demonstration-cpu-miner-available-1925< Previous Website repost #1
With a secondary wiki link
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Cpu_Miner< Website
in the list of miners on the Website link to bitcoinminer.com
the second one on the list Kiv’s GUI Frontend
http://github.com/downloads/Kiv/poclbm/poclbm-gui-20110321.exe< Download link
As explained on this website \|/
https://github.com/Kiv/poclbm< Website
I downloaded the archive and I found .py files and went directly to Python 3.2.1
http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.2.1/< Website In hindsight I should have downloaded 2.7.2
Brick wall couldn't use it, I still have no clue
Another option I had for opening and editing .py files was notepad++
http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v5.9.3.html< Website
it opens GUIminer without a hitch
>>I still am not sure if opening the .py files is how you configure them or if it was meant to be done<<
My first Question After I installed the bitcoin client HOW can I connect it or configure it with a username or password?
After I configure the Bitcoin Client and register an account on
http://www.mining.bitcoin.czI added my wallet number 13v6CH9CYeFVXSC96RkjzjA9VK2mrRYbcx I'm directed to please point your miners to new URL: api2.bitcoin.cz lol I don't know what the correct question for this is
I had a thought and added the url to Add new IP or domain to whitelist and still had no luck.
I still have no miner set up.
As shown in the "Youtube video" although my account still has issues I registered a new worker went to Kiv's GUI miner (Windows, recommended for beginners) How do I configure it to my account?
Lastly How do all three things cooperate? the files are mainly made up of .py .po .cl .mkd who's not making the apps lol? I hope if your reading this and can't help me I hope I helped you in some way.