Wonderful! So you will guarantee all funds personally?
No.. seriously though, all I can do is offer the facts as I know them. Bradley has shown me that he really cares about the Bitcoin Ideology, has always been upfront with me and has never lied to me or tried to take advantage of me. I know Bradley personally, I have his cell number and I know some personal information about him... He is undeniably a GOOD MAN, and I know that I can trust him...
That's what I have to offer you, just my knowledge of the man he is.
I will go through the vetting process for Bradley (at no charge to him) if he wants, doing so does not guarantee anything other than that if Bradley were to take off with anyone else's Bitcoin, there will be a way to track him down. This is the same for me or anyone else who has been vetted by a trusted source. Its one of the only ways that we can make assurances in this semi-anonymous culture.
Hey Bradley, getting vetted isn't too painful. It involves submitting identification documentation and an assessment as to whether or not the applicant is capable of doing what they claim they are planning to do. Just send me a PM if you would like to go through the vetting process with me.
James Tate