Bitcoinkoin/.com(remove /)
If any of you use this website, can you tell me about it, like how it works
Or anything you know about this website
It’ll be really helpful thanks
Please use your tiny brain again, i have clearly mentioned on the post, “if any of you is using this website” i didnt said that register on the website and check, so kindly stop making your own assumptions and refrain from posting further.
Bitcoinkoin/.com(remove /)
If any of you use this website, can you tell me about it, like how it works
Or anything you know about this website
It’ll be really helpful thanks
Don't you know about how to use a browser? Lol. You can't just post any links and tell the users to check. It could be a malicious site or fake site. We could get hacked. Who knows! Check yourself bro if you are so eager to learn about the site.
As the website is asking for deposit first, so only asking from them who are using.
Do some actual work rather then posting on someone else?s post.