
Topic: I was wondering to what kind of music everyone was listening. (Read 902 times)

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Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Billie Holiday

Good choice, Billie Holiday is one of the best Jazz artists to have EVER lived...
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Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Billie Holiday
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1002
You cannot kill love
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Activity: 294
Merit: 250
I'm listenin' to that old school shizz:

Sorry to inform you sir, that isn't old school rap, or old school hip hop.

Yeah, 8 byears isn't really old school, you're right...

BUT, I do listen to that old school shizz. I love sugar hill gang, epmd, public enemy, ll cool j (Mr. Smith and earlier), krs one, canibus, Jurassic 5 and MANY others...
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
I'm listenin' to that old school shizz:
Activity: 113
Merit: 10
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Sorry for the maybe somewhat lame topic, but I'm a bit bored and would like to know what my fellow bitcoiners listen too.
Me personally I am a big fan of In this moment ( an awesome metal band ), Deftones, Korn ( though their later stuff is a bit meh ), Disturbed, As I lay dying, etc ... as you can see all metal/metalcore or nu-metal.

What kind of music do the other people enjoy?
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