
Topic: [ICO] BeEasy — blockchain ecosystem for mining, trading and investments (Read 424 times)

Activity: 13
Merit: 0
Dear forum users!

I represent one of the former members of the BeEasy team, who worked on the project for more than a year and was deceived, like all other members of the team, by Alexander Bespalov.

Alexander Bespalov, CEO of the BeEasy project, is a hardened liar and a crook, a thief and a crook who deceives investors and partners, does not follow the laws, does not pay taxes, and violates labor laws.

BeEasy is only one of his projects, in which investors suffered for money, not receiving a penny and not returning the invested funds. Also,  in BeEasy suffered almost all employees and team members, to whom he not only did not pay any bonuses, but did not pay wages for many months of honest everyday work

In more detail with his scams you can find on the website:
The site is in Russian, but you can switch to English by clicking on the flag icon in the menu.
There the guys who worked with him, and whom he deceived collect information about all his atrocities.

Do not fall for his false promises and in no case give him money - you will never return them. And the more so do not hire him to work - he will promise high salaries and bonuses, but in fact you will work for him for free and get nothing.

Now he is up to a new project in the blockchain sphere - this is another deception.

It is also trying to sell a data center built in the former barn, for which there is no property right and which at the best of times remained without electricity, then without the Internet - this is also a hoax and a scam.

I don’t know how now, but earlier he acted from these legal entities and under these trademarks: BeEasy, Cryptocompany Ltd., CRYPTALL Ltd., Bespalov and Partners LLC, Crypto LLC, DATASERVICE LLC, TREYDKOM LLC , Ltd. "KB European Express".

If I had previously believed the few reviews about Alexander Bespalov on the Internet, and would not contact him - at the moment I would not lose more than a year of life and a large amount of money, which he had not paid me for many months.

Who warned - that is armed!


Увaжaeмыe пoльзoвaтeли фopyмa!

Я пpeдcтaвляю oднoгo из бывшиx члeнoв кoмaнды BeEasy, кoтopый тpyдилcя нaд пpoeктoм бoлee гoдa и был oбмaнyт, кaк и вce ocтaльныe члeны кoмaнды, Aлeкcaндpoм Бecпaлoвым.

Aлeкcaндp Бecпaлoв – CEO пpoeктa BeEasy – этo пpoжжeнный лжeц и мoшeнник, вop и aфepиcт, кoтopый oбмaнывaeт инвecтopoв и пapтнepoв, нe coблюдaeт зaкoнoв, нe плaтит нaлoги и нapyшaeт тpyдoвoe зaкoнoдaтeльcтвo.

BeEasy – тoлькo oдин из eгo пpoeктoв, в кoтopoм пocтpaдaли нa дeньги инвecтopы, нe пoлyчив ни кoпeйки и нe вepнyв влoжeнныx cpeдcтв. Taкжe в BeEasy пocтpaдaли пpaктичecки вce coтpyдники и члeны кoмaнды, кoтopым oн нe тoлькo нe зaплaтил кaкиx-либo бoнycoв, нo и нe выплaтил зapaбoтнyю плaтy зa мнoгиe мecяцы чecтнoгo кaждoднeвнoгo тpyдa.

Бoлee пoдpoбнo c eгo aфepaми вы мoжeтe пoзнaкoмитьcя нa caйтe:
Taм peбятa, кoтopыe c ним paбoтaли, и кoтopыx oн oбмaнyл coбиpaют инфopмaцию o вcex eгo злoдeянияx.

He пoддaвaйтecь нa eгo лживыe oбeщaния и нe в кoeм cлyчae нe дaвaйтe eмy дeнeг – вы иx нe вepнeтe никoгдa. И тeм бoлee нe нaнимaйтecь к нeмy нa paбoтy – oн бyдeт oбeщaть выcoкиe зapплaты и бoнycы, a пo фaктy вы oтpaбoтaeтe нa нeгo бecплaтнo и ничeгo нe пoлyчитe.

Ceйчac oн зaтeвaeт нoвый пpoeкт в cфepe блoкчeйнa – этo oчepeднoй oбмaн.

Taкжe пытaeтcя пpoдaть дaтa-цeнтp, пocтpoeнный в бывшeм capae, нa кoтopый нeт пpaвa coбcтвeннocти и кoтopый в лyчшee вpeмя тo ocтaвaлcя бeз элeктpичecтвa, тo бeз интepнeтa – этo тoжe oбмaн и aфepa.

He знaю кaк ceйчac, нo paньшe oн дeйcтвoвaл oт этиx юpидичecкиx лиц и пoд этими тopгoвыми мapкaми: BeEasy, Cryptocompany Ltd., CRYPTALL Ltd., OOO «Бecпaлoв и Пapтнepы», OOO «Кpиптo», OOO "ДATACEPBИC", OOO "TPEЙДКOM", OOO "КБ Eвpoпeйcкий Экcпpecc".

Ecли бы я paньшe пoвepил нeмнoгoчиcлeнным oтзывaм o Бecпaлoвe Aлeкcaндpe в интepнeт, и нe cвязaлcя бы c ним - тo нa дaнный мoмeнт нe пoтepял бы бoлee гoдa жизни и бoльшyю cyммy дeнeг в видe зapaбoтнoй плaты, кoтopyю oн нe зaплaтил мнe зa мнoгиe мecяцы.

Ктo пpeдyпpeждeн – тoт вoopyжeн!
C yвaжeниeм.
full member
Activity: 322
Merit: 100
I really like the concept of this project.I have not seen such a range of services on one platform at the same time.The development of this type of technology will certainly help to improve the decentralized economy.I believe this project will be successful.
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 100
Very useful and convenient platform for operations with cryptocurrencies.I think the idea to create such functionality on one platform is simply doomed to success.I have no doubt that this multilateral platform will be in great demand.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 251
as the information above,it looks a nice project and any update  for now for this project,hope to continue run this

work must continue and develop. it's really what's needed right now on the market. in the future it will be very popular
Activity: 168
Merit: 0
as the information above,it looks a nice project and any update  for now for this project,hope to continue run this
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
as the information above,it looks a nice project and any update  for now for this project,hope to continue run this
full member
Activity: 854
Merit: 100
from your details on, you will be having a bounty, may we know when this bounty will be held?
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 102
What new thing is this project adding to the blockchain ecosystem.

What are the things the already existing system are not doing that this project coming to do?

let me know as soon as possible to throw my support.
Activity: 952
Merit: 17
sr. member
Activity: 1414
Merit: 254
Hi rgsnedds,

The list of exchanges will be available after ICO. Also our token will trade on own exchange - EasyTrade.

I think that the price for the token is too high, and did not quite understand about the exchange.
Does it exist now? Search did not find
It seems you can't read it properly, dev already said " The list of exchanges will be available after ICO " which mean the token didn't exist on any exchanges right now nor the token itself.

what does the token mean only on your exchange?
Didn't see when he said it, I think his mean surely that the token will trade on his exchange. So it could be another place, not only on there.
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 100
Hi rgsnedds,

The list of exchanges will be available after ICO. Also our token will trade on own exchange - EasyTrade.

I think that the price for the token is too high, and did not quite understand about the exchange.
what does the token mean only on your exchange?
Does it exist now? Search did not find
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
In which countries do you plan to extract resources? And how will it be to provide crypto currency?

You probably understood it wrong. "Mining" is the term used to define the way how the cryptocurrency is normally obtained. It is "mined" using computing power of the PC. You can mine cryptocurrency in any country.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0

All summed up, this is still expensive.
Also, the linkedin profile of your CEO is missing.

And your CTO has listed Cryptocompany and not BeEasy as his company.
Please explain this. Thanks.

Hi EnterTheLight, there is a mistake in the web-link in your screenshot. (there's "2" instead of "7"
You can see in the following image (and if you click the link above) that the profile of our CEO is fine.

BeEasy is not a company itself. It is a key project of the group of companies under the common name Cryptocompany Ltd. That's why our CTO has listed it as his company.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
Здpaвcтвyйтe, y вac ecть bounty пpoгpaммa ?

Здpaвcтвyйтe! Ecть, aнoнcиpyeм в ближaйшиe нecкoлькo днeй. Cлeдитe зa oбнoвлeниями!
sr. member
Activity: 728
Merit: 250
“A nexgen decentralized ride hailing ”
In which countries do you plan to extract resources? And how will it be to provide crypto currency?
hero member
Activity: 2744
Merit: 588
Hi EnterTheLight,

yes, you’re right, our token costs 0,02 BTC, but every token is divisible to four decimal places. That is why you can buy part of token for lower price.

All summed up, this is still expensive.
Also, the linkedin profile of your CEO is missing.

And your CTO has listed Cryptocompany and not BeEasy as his company.
Please explain this. Thanks.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
Hi EnterTheLight,

yes, you’re right, our token costs 0,02 BTC, but every token is divisible to four decimal places. That is why you can buy part of token for lower price.
Activity: 79
Merit: 0
Здpaвcтвyйтe, y вac ecть bounty пpoгpaммa ?
full member
Activity: 194
Merit: 100
B2B - Find, Connect, Trade
Compared to the service provided by the project, the price of the token is too high. good luck
Activity: 214
Merit: 10
Well, 0.02 BTC looks like it’s too much...
What are your advantages? It’s not the first ecosystem.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
Hi rgsnedds,

The list of exchanges will be available after ICO. Also our token will trade on own exchange - EasyTrade.

Activity: 952
Merit: 17

you have high hopes. which exchanges do you have signed up to allow trade of ETKN?

Activity: 39
Merit: 0
Hello ErloCar,

how can we help you? What questions are you interested in? 
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
BeEasy— blockchain ecosystem for mining, trading and crypto assets investments

BeEasy project in its essence is a blockchain Ecosystem for mining, trading and investment in which user identification and management of all user information and activities within BeEasy services (mining, liquidity management service, exchange, charity, receiving goods and services from project partners, exchange for fiat, etc.) occurs in the "single-window" mode.

BeEasy is a key project of the international group of companies Cryptocompany.Ltd representing a joint Ecosystem of interconnected services for working with cryptocurrency: from mining to investment management, conversion and exchange for fiat. Due to the elaborate mutual integration of services and solutions, this product line is available both to professionals and beginners.
Our know-how is the optimized communication between services and intuitively comprehensible interfaces for all categories of users. Thus, a significant synergetic effect, inaccessible for users of several specialized but separate third-party services, is achieved.

Project Mission
The project mission is to contribute to the development of decentralized economy (blockchain networks and cryptocurrency) by involving the maximum number of user groups that are not yet engaged.

We design several software products:

1. BeEasy multifunctional service
BeEasy is a "single-window" system for user identification and management of all user information and activities within BeEasy services (mining,  liquidity management service, exchange, charity, receiving goods and services of project partners, exchange for fiat, etc.).  
Having registered once and having passed (if desired) the verification procedure, the user gets access to all the system features and services from a universal user-friendly interface.
It looks like a universal dashboard accumulating all the basic information - the current state of user's balances in various services, the status of these services, "quick" transfer of funds between the services, the possibility to set up transaction chains (service interaction with each other) or give all the control to the robot and much more.
The service unites in one interface all modules developed under BeEasy brand:
• EasyPool - displays the balance of the wallet connected to the mining pool, has quick buttons for managing the process and a link to expanded EasyPool interface;
• EasyPlay - displays a list of bonuses from project partners/vendors with possibility to spend the cryptocurrency from the balance, it is also possible to calculate the period of mining for a specific bonus, see the list of purchased bonuses, watch the progress bar;
• EasyCare - displays the list of partner funds to which it is possible to transfer the amount from the balance for charity, and to track the donations. The Ecosystem allows to transfer a certain percentage from the internal operations to charity. Inside the service there is a setup allowing to make recurring (regular) payments from BeEasy user balance to the selected fund;
• EasyTrade - displays the exchange account balance, minimum transaction history, statistics and rates, there is possibility to perform simple exchange operations or exchange funds to fiat with one button. There is also a link to EasyTrade exchange itself;  
• EasyFund - displays the amount of investments and current yield in BTC / ETH / USD, there are buttons for investments replenishment and application for funds withdrawal. Displays current portfolios;
• EasyData - shows the amount of rented computing power, the amount of mined cryptocurrency, allows the possibility to increase or decrease the amount of rented power, profit calculator, monitoring of mining process.

2. Mass product: EasyPlay
It is a web interface and software for Windows, where functional scenario is arranged in the following way:
— the user downloads the program from site and installs it on his computer;
— immediately after installation, the program prompts the user to pass a simple registration procedure in BeEasy project (name, email, mobile phone) and diagnoses the system;
— in the case when everything is OK, the user is asked to choose which partner offers he is interested in (if not, the program reports the problem and, if possible, informs the user that he will be notified when the problem is solved);
— during mining the user has the opportunity to observe the mining progress bar. He can also change his decision and choose a different partner proposal;
— after the end of the mining process, the program informs the user about it, and a certificate (promo code) to receive the goods is sent to user’s e-mail.

3. Professional solution: EasyPool
It’s the core of the product including:
• multicurrency mining pools
• user web interface
• user software
• device monitoring and operation control system via telegram-bot
• iOS and Android app
For the user EasyPool is a way to mine smartly. In the nearest future the desktop version of the product will be redesigned and development of the mobile application will be launched.

4. Professional solution: EasyTrade
EasyTrade is a cryptocurrency exchange supporting integration with trading software (MetaTrader), a web interface for brokers and traders. It includes the web interface and in the future - mobile application and widget.

Project Token: EasyToken(ETKN)

The main value of project's token is reduction of cost of every service facilities and intra-system fees of BeEasy project up to 50%. All the facilities provided by BeEasy project services can be paid for by ETKN. This way the value of the token for professional users of BeEasy system is formed.
For each service included in BeEasy Ecosystem, there are special conditions for paying for its facilities with ETKN tokens.
• EasyPool - 50% discount for pool facilities. The pool fee in a regular mode is 2%, when paying with tokens - 1%
• EasyPlay - special offers from partners only available when paying with ETKN tokens
• EasyCare - no special conditions.
• EasyTrade - 50% discount on services of the exchange: payment of orders and commissions for deposit and withdrawal of funds. Exchange fee depends on the type of transaction and can vary depending on the market situation, but discount rate when paying with ETKN stays the same and is not affected by change of regular price.
• EasyFund - 50% discount on the liquidity management service. In a regular mode, the liquidity management service fee amounts to 5% on deposit and withdrawal of funds, when paying with tokens - 2.5%.
• EasyData - 30% discount for cloud mining and 50% for own equipment placement in BeEasy project data center. The cost of EasyData service may vary depending on the market situation, but discount rate when paying with ETKN stays the same and is not affected by change of regular price.

Tokens are emitted on the Ethereum platform, meeting ERC20 standard.
A total of 250,000 ETKNs are emitted. Tokens are divisible up to 4 decimal places.


For the entire period of ICO - 1ETKN = 0.02 BTC
Bonuses for subscribers - 5%

Start — 01.02.18
End— 30.04.18

During the ICO stage, investments are received in:

— Site:
— Facebook:
— Telegram: channel -
                   chat -
— Github:
— Slack:
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