
Topic: (ICO) BeEasy- ecosystem designed for mining, trading, and managing investments! (Read 241 times)

Activity: 13
Merit: 0
Dear forum users!

I represent one of the former members of the BeEasy team, who worked on the project for more than a year and was deceived, like all other members of the team, by Alexander Bespalov.

Alexander Bespalov, CEO of the BeEasy project, is a hardened liar and a crook, a thief and a crook who deceives investors and partners, does not follow the laws, does not pay taxes, and violates labor laws.

BeEasy is only one of his projects, in which investors suffered for money, not receiving a penny and not returning the invested funds. Also,  in BeEasy suffered almost all employees and team members, to whom he not only did not pay any bonuses, but did not pay wages for many months of honest everyday work

In more detail with his scams you can find on the website:
The site is in Russian, but you can switch to English by clicking on the flag icon in the menu.
There the guys who worked with him, and whom he deceived collect information about all his atrocities.

Do not fall for his false promises and in no case give him money - you will never return them. And the more so do not hire him to work - he will promise high salaries and bonuses, but in fact you will work for him for free and get nothing.

Now he is up to a new project in the blockchain sphere - this is another deception.

It is also trying to sell a data center built in the former barn, for which there is no property right and which at the best of times remained without electricity, then without the Internet - this is also a hoax and a scam.

I don’t know how now, but earlier he acted from these legal entities and under these trademarks: BeEasy, Cryptocompany Ltd., CRYPTALL Ltd., Bespalov and Partners LLC, Crypto LLC, DATASERVICE LLC, TREYDKOM LLC , Ltd. "KB European Express".

If I had previously believed the few reviews about Alexander Bespalov on the Internet, and would not contact him - at the moment I would not lose more than a year of life and a large amount of money, which he had not paid me for many months.

Who warned - that is armed!


Увaжaeмыe пoльзoвaтeли фopyмa!

Я пpeдcтaвляю oднoгo из бывшиx члeнoв кoмaнды BeEasy, кoтopый тpyдилcя нaд пpoeктoм бoлee гoдa и был oбмaнyт, кaк и вce ocтaльныe члeны кoмaнды, Aлeкcaндpoм Бecпaлoвым.

Aлeкcaндp Бecпaлoв – CEO пpoeктa BeEasy – этo пpoжжeнный лжeц и мoшeнник, вop и aфepиcт, кoтopый oбмaнывaeт инвecтopoв и пapтнepoв, нe coблюдaeт зaкoнoв, нe плaтит нaлoги и нapyшaeт тpyдoвoe зaкoнoдaтeльcтвo.

BeEasy – тoлькo oдин из eгo пpoeктoв, в кoтopoм пocтpaдaли нa дeньги инвecтopы, нe пoлyчив ни кoпeйки и нe вepнyв влoжeнныx cpeдcтв. Taкжe в BeEasy пocтpaдaли пpaктичecки вce coтpyдники и члeны кoмaнды, кoтopым oн нe тoлькo нe зaплaтил кaкиx-либo бoнycoв, нo и нe выплaтил зapaбoтнyю плaтy зa мнoгиe мecяцы чecтнoгo кaждoднeвнoгo тpyдa.

Бoлee пoдpoбнo c eгo aфepaми вы мoжeтe пoзнaкoмитьcя нa caйтe:
Taм peбятa, кoтopыe c ним paбoтaли, и кoтopыx oн oбмaнyл coбиpaют инфopмaцию o вcex eгo злoдeянияx.

He пoддaвaйтecь нa eгo лживыe oбeщaния и нe в кoeм cлyчae нe дaвaйтe eмy дeнeг – вы иx нe вepнeтe никoгдa. И тeм бoлee нe нaнимaйтecь к нeмy нa paбoтy – oн бyдeт oбeщaть выcoкиe зapплaты и бoнycы, a пo фaктy вы oтpaбoтaeтe нa нeгo бecплaтнo и ничeгo нe пoлyчитe.

Ceйчac oн зaтeвaeт нoвый пpoeкт в cфepe блoкчeйнa – этo oчepeднoй oбмaн.

Taкжe пытaeтcя пpoдaть дaтa-цeнтp, пocтpoeнный в бывшeм capae, нa кoтopый нeт пpaвa coбcтвeннocти и кoтopый в лyчшee вpeмя тo ocтaвaлcя бeз элeктpичecтвa, тo бeз интepнeтa – этo тoжe oбмaн и aфepa.

He знaю кaк ceйчac, нo paньшe oн дeйcтвoвaл oт этиx юpидичecкиx лиц и пoд этими тopгoвыми мapкaми: BeEasy, Cryptocompany Ltd., CRYPTALL Ltd., OOO «Бecпaлoв и Пapтнepы», OOO «Кpиптo», OOO "ДATACEPBИC", OOO "TPEЙДКOM", OOO "КБ Eвpoпeйcкий Экcпpecc".

Ecли бы я paньшe пoвepил нeмнoгoчиcлeнным oтзывaм o Бecпaлoвe Aлeкcaндpe в интepнeт, и нe cвязaлcя бы c ним - тo нa дaнный мoмeнт нe пoтepял бы бoлee гoдa жизни и бoльшyю cyммy дeнeг в видe зapaбoтнoй плaты, кoтopyю oн нe зaплaтил мнe зa мнoгиe мecяцы.

Ктo пpeдyпpeждeн – тoт вoopyжeн!
C yвaжeниeм.
Activity: 210
Merit: 11

Whitepaper v3.1 edited January 29, 2018

Russia / Republic of Cyprus
We are thrilled to present BeEasy ecosystem, an all-in-one window to the cryptocurrency world.
We provide a self-intuitive, user-friendly access to essential cryptocurrency processes
such as mining, trading, and cryptocurrency investments.

Table of Contents

Introduction... 1
Legal Framework... 2
BeEasy Ecosystem ... 3
BeEasy ecosystem modules and their communication patterns ......................................................... 4
Project Roadmap... 5
ICO: Goals and Implementation Mechanisms ............................................................................... ........... 6
Goals ... 7
ICO Procedure and Token purchasing conditions ............................................................................... 8
EasyToken (ETKN) Nature and Emission....................................................................... ...................... 9
Token Distribution during ICO... 10
Token Usage and Explaining Demand... 11
Project Team ... 12
Project Advisors... 13
Risk Overview ... 14
Links to Project Resourses ... 15
Our Contacts ... 16
Activity: 210
Merit: 11
ICObench gave us 4.5 from 5!

Experts find our project to be unique as we want to 'make the world of cryptocurrency more clear and available to any users regardless of their skill levels'
High rating  Smiley Smiley Smiley
Activity: 126
Merit: 0
looks so new,any information about this  project,keep us updated,thanks team,ill follow it
Activity: 210
Merit: 11
Activity: 210
Merit: 11


More information on the SITE


Activity: 210
Merit: 11

More information on the SITE

Activity: 210
Merit: 11
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500

Why BeEasy?
BeEasy is a blockchain ecosystem designed for mining, trading, and managing cryptocurrency investments.

Advantages to investors:

-One-time opportunity to become an investor with minimum amount to invest
-Very strong, clear and innovative concept based on serious background and experience
-Powerful and highly-experienced team of project
-145 BTC already collected, hard cap – 3 200 BTC
-Bonuses available if your investment is more 1 BTC

LINK  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


 hard cap – 3 200 BTC, this is too high, you can't even raise 1000 BTC. Because you have no innovation, this is a pure for raising money, no meaning.
Activity: 210
Merit: 11

You log inonce and it enables you to use a wide spectrum of must-have tools.

An intuitive interface for mining and receiving products or services as a reward.

Multicurrency pool featuring an embedded management system for the mining equipment.

Full-scale cryptocurrency exchange with advanced features.

Activity: 210
Merit: 11

BeEasy Conclusion

BeEasy makes the world of cryptocurrency more clear and available to any users regardless of their skill levels. It is reached due to development of clear interfaces and flexible management system by the most demanded services: mining, conversion, trading, purchase of goods and services, investments, assignments on charity, etc. With the help of a “one window system” the user authorized at once can use all system services – from rent of capacities for a mining till receiving goods for cryptocurrency and services from partners of the project.

Activity: 210
Merit: 11
There is bounty campaign?

There are bounties and there is work with marketers. I'll write to you in PM  Wink
jr. member
Activity: 33
Merit: 1
There is bounty campaign?
Activity: 210
Merit: 11

Token Usage and Explaining Demand

First and foremost, tokens are a discount certificate for internal use within BeEasy project services.

1. Using tokens to buy “cloud mining” power: Part of ICO revenues will be used to purchase mining equipment for the project data-center. Benefiting from the fact that the company is a mining equipment manufacturer and supplier and that the company owns its own solutions in the field, we will be offering our token owners equipment usage contracts at the net cost. This means that the cost of one-year contract will equal to the equipment price including delivery and installing at the time of purchase.

2. Using tokens within the mining pool: Cryptocurrency mining pool EasyPool withholds a 2% fee from all mined assets. For EasyToken owners, this fee would be deducted to 1% and will be exchanged for the project tokens.

3. Using tokens within the EasyFund: The liquidity management system charges a 5% commission for all invested assets and a 5% commission for the investing output. The EasyToken owners will have both of these fees deducted down to 2.5%, if exchange for tokens.

4. Using tokens within the cryptocurrency exchange EasyTrade: All exchange services and fees starting from order fees to asset input and output fees will have a 50% discount for all token owners.

5. Using tokens within the EasyPlay service: Token purchase for EasyPlay service functioning is carried out at conditions equal to those of all BeEasy ecosystem participants, and it is implemented at the market rate within the EasyTrade service platform.

6. In addition, as a part of BeEasy all-in-one system it will be possible to receive special exclusive conditions for partner goods and services in exchange for tokens. With these solutions, we are planning to gradually solidify the interest in using EasyToken tokens for purchasing services as they provide our users with an incredible opportunity to significantly save up. Since we do not intend to emit token follow-on offering, we project that the demand will grow as will the project user network.

User network growth forecast: 

2018: over 500, 000 service users 
2019: over 2, 000, 000 service users 
2020: over 5,000,000 service users 
2021: over 10, 000, 000 service users.

Activity: 210
Merit: 11

2. EasyTrade: professional solutions

We are introducing our cryptocurrency exchange supporting trader software integration (MetaTrader, TickTrader) and providing an interface for brokers and traders. Currently featuring a web interface, expanding to a mobile app and a widget in the near future.

3. BeEasy multifunction service

Our unique product is an all-in-one user authorization system that allows to navigate and manage all user information for BeEasy services (mining, fund, exchange, charity, gaining partner goods and services, and converting to fiat, among others). You can register only once and after an optional verification procedure receive full access to all system features and services via unified and easy to navigate interface. What looks like a single dashboard is the system that accumulates all core information such as the current account balance on various services, the services status, ‘quick’ asset moving between services, access to setting up inter-service transaction chains, and fully passing on the controls to the robot.

4. EasyPlay: mass product

Meet our web interface and a client app featuring the following functionality scenario:

- the user downloads the software and installs in onto the PC
- immediately after installing, the software invites the user to complete the simple registration with BeEasy, and runs the system diagnostics
- the user is prompted to choose a partner offer that they would like to receive
- during the process, the user can monitor the mining progress bar indicating the remaining time until receiving the goods or services
- when the mining process is finished, the software notifies the user and emails them the promocode certificate for claiming the bonus.

Activity: 210
Merit: 11

Here is our line of products:

1. EasyPool: professional solutions

The core features of the product include:  

- multicurrency mining pool
- client web interface  
- client software  
- equipment process monitoring and management system powered by a telegram bot
- iOS and Android apps  
- intelligent mining management systems

Activity: 210
Merit: 11

What Is BeEasy?

BeEasy is the key project for ‘Cryptocompany’ international group of companies. We are an all-in-one ecosystem of interrelated cryptocurrency processing services such as mining, fund, exchange, charity, gaining partner goods and services, and converting to fiat, among others. We offer the all-in-one interface solution powered by a single sign-in user authorization.

The well-designed service and solution integration allows our product line to be accessible to both professionals and beginners. Our ‘know-how’ innovative solution is providing the best possible links between different services and intuitively navigated interfaces for all user groups. We succeed in creating the unprecedented synergy that is not available to the users of specialized but strictly segmented services. Last but not least, BeEasy is also a full-fledged ecosystem for vendors, offline stores, game studios, and charity organizations that can benefit from using our product in their marketing and user outreach efforts with the API system integration

Our project’s mission is to encourage the development of decentralized economy of blockchain networks and cryptocurrency by engaging as many new, previously left out, authentic user groups as possible. We hold an essential value to each user group: we are offering specific goods and services, a source of income, and fulfillment of the need for social accountability to our non-professional users, while providing flexible and clear tools for solving professional tasks.

We plan to engage those who are currently not involved with the cryptocurrency market by providing our users with essentially convenient interfaces for all of our services. Here is how we are addressing these tasks:  by developing user apps and interfaces (all-in-one authorization, BeEasy personal account, mining clients, monitoring clients, telegram bots, among others);  by developing service systems (multicurrency pool, conversion getaways, liquidity management systems, exchange);  by building infrastructure (data center with its own mining equipment).

Activity: 210
Merit: 11

Why BeEasy?
BeEasy is a blockchain ecosystem designed for mining, trading, and managing cryptocurrency investments.

Advantages to investors:

-One-time opportunity to become an investor with minimum amount to invest
-Very strong, clear and innovative concept based on serious background and experience
-Powerful and highly-experienced team of project
-145 BTC already collected, hard cap – 3 200 BTC
-Bonuses available if your investment is more 1 BTC ( After purchase, contact those support)

ICObench gave us 4.5 from 5

LINK  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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