
Topic: ICO for Real democracy. Power to the people not to the representatives. (Read 131 times)

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
i doubt europeans are very interested in democracy, they are much more interested into their economy and longterm stability development and sustainability questions.

the representatives are filters, so only people talk in the parliament that can express themselves, witht he financial system decentralised the democracy becomes very different the democracy happens through the currencies tha people support or dont support.
Activity: 8
Merit: 1
My idea is to take the money from politicians to create real democracy in Europe. The idea is to create list of candidates for the European elections in 2019. The candidates will give half of their salary to finance a development program for the population. The goal of the Real Democracy ICO is to finance all the people who want to work on this project.


Democracy: Power to the people, not to the representatives
The parliamentary assembly presents itself as the representative of the people, but democracy means the power of the people and not the power of an intermediary.

True democracy can only be established through the active participation of the people themselves.

Parliamentary assemblies exclude the masses from the exercise of power and usurp popular sovereignty in favour of the hyper class. They are a legal barrier between people and power.

The Constitution provides no legal means for the people modify the actual pseudo democracy.

If Tesla makes cars that drive alone, it's technically possible to get citizens to vote for the laws from their phones.
So we no longer need representatives! The people who say it is not feasible are the same people who do not want to change the current situation. Either because they are afraid of change or because they do not want to give up the benefits they get from the current political and economic system.

The Real Democracy Program
How are we going to establish a real democracy?
The people have no time to make revolution, because they are too busy surviving. Everyone is focused on their own survival. Under these conditions it is impossible for the people to vote their own laws. We must therefore first allow the people to emancipate themselves from the current political and economic system. Real Démocracy proposes to launch a program to help the population in the fields of food, transport, energy and education.
Financing of the Real Democracy Program
The aid program will be financed with half of European MEPs' salaries. An MEP earns around 6000 euros per month (basic salary without the many other benefits). The number of MPs varies greatly depending on the country

  • France has 74 deputies for the 2019 European elections.
    So 74 x 3000 = 222 000 euros of monthly operating budget to establish democracy!
  • In the Netherlands there are 32 MEPs for the 2019 European elections.
    So: 32 x 3000 = 96 000 euros of monthly operating budget to establish democracy!
  • In Spain there are 64 MEPs for the 2019 European elections.
    So: 32 x 3000 = 96 000 euros of monthly operating budget to establish democracy!

The Real Democracy aid Program
The Real Democracy aid program is funded with half of the salaries of MEPs. Each disctrict within each European country will decide for itself the direction of the food, transport, energy and education projects. The aim of Real Democracy is to provide the technical infrastructure for cooperation between citizens in every European country.

Good food is the first guarantee of good physical and mental health. The only way to access food at the lowest cost and at the best quality is to produce it yourself. Of course, few people have neither the time nor the knowledge, let alone the land to grow vegetables.
The food project will focus as much on food production in rural and urban areas. Real Democracy will provide the material, land and education needed to grow food for collective projects (because growing vegetables in a group promotes social cohesion) already existing and planned.

Gas and car maintenance are very expensive and public transport is unevenly distributed over the territory, favoring urban over rural areas.
The transport project will focus on financing hybrid vehicles shared between members of real democracy, creating collective garages for the maintenance of vehicles (collective and private), setting up a carpooling system for daily journeys and minibuses for school pick-up.

Fossil and nuclear energy suppliers have no interest in generating electricity with renewable energies. The energy project will focus on financing and installing mini power plants based on renewable energy. Real Democracy will provide solar panels to its members and will organize workshops to show how to connect and install them.

The school is not there to educate but to program citizens in the image of the current political and economic system. Knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live is essential if we want to change it. The education project will focus on the giving free courses in political science, history and economics as well as school support for children.

ICO for Real democracy
Establish a true democracy in Europe.
Blockchain technology is the perfect tool for the establishment of a Real Democracy.
  • The blockchain makes it possible firstly to organise funding for the real democracy project at European continental level.
  • It offers total transparency on the expenses that will be made on the real democracy project
  • It offers an easy implementation of a voting system with total transparency on the result of votes.
The tokens issued during the ICO of Real Democracy aim to unify the European peoples around a common action. It allows those who have money but no time, those who have time but no money, to come together and work together to establish real democracy in Europe. The token offer advantages for all investor profiles.
  • The holders
    Those who keep tokens in a scope of long term investement (6 months to 2 years) will be granted discounts ranging from 50 to 100% on all products and services delivered by Real Democracy aid program (food, transport, energy education).
  • Bounty hunters
    A series of 6 airdrops of 500,000 tokens between September 2018 and February 2018 will be launched to pay people who wish to actively contribute to the establishment of Real Democracy. People will receive between 500 and 1500 tokens during these airdrops.
  • Speculators.
    The ICO will take place in 5 phases of 55 hours each for 4 months. In each phase tokens will be issued through token sales and airdrops. Each phase will allow to finance a different stage of the Real Democracy project.

Real Democracy ICO Calendar

Phase 1: Recruitment of project managers
Tokens sales: 6 597 200 tokens

The Phase 1 of the ICO will be used to recruit all the necessary personal (project managers, IT and RH staff) and finance the technical infrastructure (cloud and workflow management software).
Everybody will have a salary of 2500 euros per month paid in cryptocurrency during 1 year.

The project managers.
For each European country 7 project managers will be recruited:
  • 3 project managers for each country will work on the implementation of the Real Democracy districts.
  • 4 project managers for each country will work on the Real Democracy aid program (food, transport, energy and education).
Budget for the project managers: 5 880 000 euros

The technical infrastructure
To ensure an efficient work with team members who are situated all around Europe. We will use an open source cloud system which has workflow management applications (chat, calendar, kaban board, etc) and an encrypted instant messaging client.
For security reasons, all the personal will receive a laptop with a linux version installed on it.
(1000 euros budget for a laptop)
Budget for technical infrastructure: 424 200 euros

IT and HR staff
4 for network administrator will be hired in full time to ensure technical support.
4 HR manager will be hired to assist me on the recruitment of the project managers.
Budget for IT and HR staff: 240 000 euros

Salary of the CEO
3000 euros per month.
Budget for CEO salary: 36 000 euros

Budget for the Website :5000 euros

Budget for the community management
12 000 euros anualy (1000 euros per month).

Total budget for Phase 1: 6 597 200 euros

Phase 2 Writing the Real Democracy program
Token distribution: Airdrops of 500 000 tokens
For each country the 7 project managers (3+4) will work together to write a first version of the Real Democracy program for their country.
This first version will serve as a starting point.
It will be put online and 4 project managers will be responsible for integrating the improvements and comments coming from citizens. The program will be continuously updated until the day of the European elections.
Those with the most successful proposals among the population will be invited to develop their idea and will be paid between 500 and 2500 tokens. After the European elections. The program will be put to the vote in each Real democracy district of each country.

Phase3. Creation of Real Democracy districts.
Tokens sales: 4 200 000 tokens

3.1Definition of an electoral district
The Real democracy districts are the decision-making places of the people.
The districts can be based on already existing electoral district for th European elections or custom-made, depending on the wishes and preferences of the people.
The districts are autonomous, they vote on the development program and draft laws discussed in the European Parliament. These are the places where votes are held.

3.2Registration of persons in electoral districts
The registration of the people on the electoral list will be carried out online or in real through consuls. The consul is in charge to assist with the registration of people who do not feel technically comfortable. There are 5 consuls per country. The consuls are paid 2500 euros per month.
Budget for the consuls: 4 200 000 euros
28 countries, 5 persons per country with a salary of 2500 euros per month.

Phase 4 First vote in the districts
Tokens sales: 6 500 200 tokens
The votes are executed on the blockchain thanks to: Follow my vote. An online voting platform that allows electronic voting on a blockchain.
Total budget for Phase 4: 6 500 200  euros

Phase 5. Start of the campaign for the European election 2019
Tokens sales: 6 500 200 tokens
Start of the campaign for the European election in January 2019
Total budget for Phase 5: 6 500 200  euros

Please give me your feedback about this project.
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