Sudionici koji su dali Waves adresu odmah na početku ne moraju ništa dodatno raditi.
Svi koji su dali ETH adresu, morate kreirati i poslati Waves adresu.
Kako ?
Pošaljite bitcointalk privatnu poruku sa sljedecim informacijama:
Spreadsheet campaign (signature, twitter, newsletter, etc.):
Line in spreadsheet document:
WAVES address:
Što prije pošaljete PM, brže će vaša adresa biti promijenjena i brže cete dobiti svoje tokene.
Pozor, postoji rok za davanje nove adrese: imate 3 dana da nam posaljete adresu na PM. Nakon toga, finalizirani spreadsheet će biti poslan distribucijskom timu i korisnici koji nisu dostavili novu waves adresu nece biti u mogucnosti dobiti tokene na vrijeme. Morati će čekati da serazvije naš gateway s ethereumom. Drugim riječima, dobiti će svoje bounty tokene tek za nekoliko tjedana. Molimo raširite vijest o promijeni adresa!
Molimo, pazite na prevarante: KORISTITE OVAJ LINK KAKO BI POSLALI PM:;sa=send;u=112240
Participants who provided a WAVES address in a first time don't have anything to do.
All participants who provided an ETH address, you have to create and send me a WAVES address.
How ?
Send me a bitcointalk private message with the following informations:
Spreadsheet campaign (signature, twitter, newsletter, etc.):
Line in spreadsheet document:
WAVES address:
The sooner you send me your PM, the quicker your address will be changed and you will be able to receive your bounties tokens.
Attention, there is a deadline to provide us your new address: you have 3 days to send us your PM. After that date, a final spreadsheet will be sent to distribution team and users who will not have provided a new WAVES address won't be able to receive their bounties tokens on time. They will have to wait our gateway into Ethereum development to be finished. In other words, they will only receive their bounties tokens in a few weeks. So please spread the word about this address change process!
Please, pay attention to scammers: ONLY USE THIS LINK TO SEND ME A PM:;sa=send;u=112240