Hello all the world I am French I am sorry for the faults of writing I use a translator
# The end of the industry music promised !
I have been 27 years old I am in the cryptomonnai for 5 years I am impassioned by the progress which it can take along I am engineer song its and work for different label, industry as we it is known key has his end, the illegal downloading harm to Major “Sony, Warner etc.” The artists prefers launch out of independent and left the traditional way I to you am promised that the things I go you will change now explain why, the system is pyramidal the fan 'listener “buys an album 20 percent and for artist 80 for the house of disqie the listener with all new technology does not want any more buy! these it that my project changes a whole a website is in creation will be a platform for the artists independent! You will tell me that has already was made, yes my steps rather well not enough for revolutionize the world or change the way of making people My vision of the world and you an equitable vision, or all the world must be ego In my world the listener” fan “will gain as much money than the artist each artist on the platform will have a contract with his clean cryptomonnaie has his name the listener will pay the ablbum 10 euros” 4 euros for the production, 6 euros in crypto currency “+ the artist will carry out sale + the course of the currency will go up! people will not download any more and will prefer buy if the artist make gold disc for them these real benefit of the neck the artist increases his base fan 500,000 Coins von beings put on sale built on the noyeau of éterheum” ERC20 “1 million coins take the train goes from there together one goes change the world!
on August 3rd on sale on coinone and poloniex has 0.00000900 btc
Token SUL 1 millions coin :
https://etherscan.io/token/0xb8c16186362af0a9931b41cc65277f13dcbc8c5dhttps://ethplorer.io/address/0xb8c16186362af0a9931b41cc65277f13dcbc8c5dIco ether minimum 0.2 :
0.2 Eth = 500 SUL
0.5 Eth =200 SUL
1 Eth = 7000 SUL
Donnation :
We are has the searchs of developers and anybody being able to translate the texts