Welcome you in discussing the ICOPOOLS.io service!
ICOPOOLS.io is the ICO pools rating which was created in order to help investors navigate in the chaos of information and to protect them from investing money in scam pools. Investors get an opportunity to analyze each pool for the history of the ICOs held with all statuses and comments. In addition, the investors can monitor what ICOs are available for investment, based on the specific conditions for each ICO: the minimum investment size, pool commission, discount / bonus, the language of the pool, the date of its creation, whether open or on invitation and what is his reliability rating.
Rating is the metric of trust and success of the ICO pool. It’s calculated by the formula based on the objective pool’s metrics such as number of successful raising rounds, number of token distribution rounds, KYC procedure and etc. The formula is absolutely transparent and will be evolving over time. If people decide that some improvements are necessary in order to give the pool’s rating even more trust, we will be ready to implement them. So anyone will be able to calculate a rating by himself / herself for any ICO pool.
For whom is this service?Service is made for crypto investors looking for the easiest and the most profitable way to invest in ICO through pools.
What is the misson of the service?Mission of the service is to help navigating within the huge variety of ICO pools, simplifying the task to monitor them and to protect investors from investing in non trustless pools.
What is pool's rating and how does it work?Pool's rating is the math value which gives an estimation of trust and success of the pool. You can find out the formula calculation method here -
What is "Min cap"?It's the size of minimum investment from which investor can enter to ICO in the pool.
What is "discount"?It's pecentage of dropping the token's price for the pool's participants. For example, with 10% discount and the inital token's price of 1 ETH, the final price for the pool's participants will be 0,9 ETH.
What is "commission"?It's percentage that pool takes for organizing raise rounds. Usually it includes the commission of Primablock service if the raising goes through it.
What is "token distribution rounds"?It's the number of rounds when tokens were distributed to investors who bought them.
How often the data on the table is updated?The data is updated every hour.
How to add new pool to the table?You should enter to the official group in Telegram and send the link there.
How to tell about mistakes in the data?You should enter to the official group in Telegram and send information of the mistake there.
Are you affiliated with any of the ICO pools?Service ICOPOOLS.io is not affiliated with any of the ICO pools.
icopools.io - official site
https://t.me/icopoolsen - English chat
https://twitter.com/ICOpools_io - Twitter
https://medium.com/@ICOpools_io - Medium
We are waiting for your opinions about our service and wishes for improving the rating system and adding new functionality!