The current climate of crypto's launching and the future outlook is on a steady decline, due to unfavorable actors attempting to launch every breed of crypto. I'm really hesitant to acknowledge any ERC20 token as a legitimate token, because there are few-to-none that are.
Individuals here should be questioning the legitimacy of these types of tokens launching, seeking to find a niche in the real-world. For the most part, coins have moved away from trying to push forward the sentiments of Satoshi, making coins/tokens for people, and now are making coins/tokens for X industry, whereby they have no regards to the massive undertaking against real-world corporations and regulations. There are 0 ICO's that have actually embedded themselves in a real-world industry, because, frankly, ERC tokens and blockchain technology can be implemented by anyone. And if any legitimate corporation decides to implement a blockchain, they'll invest into R&D and create it themselves, pulling the best of the best talent out of the crypto world. In essence, almost all ERC20 token launches are bullshit, and are just quick cash grabs. There are very few that are legitimate, and i assure you those are not the ones being talked about.
In regards to the airdrop climate, it's turned into a marketing gimmick. The airdrop coins that do seek to giveaway the majority of there tokens are plagued by mishandling of information or forced-mass spam campaigns to promote their coin. Once that coin is listed, the end-goal has been achieved. All users and development efforts cease and whatever is left of the coins value decreases to 0. Rinse and repeat.
These are not blanket statements, this is just a basic summary of the current climate of cryptos. Individuals here are uneducated about what actually occurs behind the scenes or the scheme's they actively promote and invest in. For those reasons, the new crypto climate will continue to degrade. Coins that will achieve top-100 rankings will be significantly reduced in the coming years.
But this entire scenario was inevitable, everyone is out to enrich themselves as quick as possible, by any means necessary. Human nature.
I believe the market will eventually self-regulate. For example, I have already given up on damn near all ERC20 tokens. It's too easy to start one. ICO's in general can be a great way for a small startup in crypto to get going. The only way I would touch any ICO now is if they announced in the past and if the team members have an active and verifiable media presence. There are exceptions to this, no one knows who JL777 with Komodo is but he has the credibility because he has been around for so long and a proven track record. If the team is made up of all people that don't give their last names or use an alias that no one knows then I bail. More people will catch on to this I hope.
Edit: About it being too easy to start up an ERC20 token, this will force legitimate developers to actually select a coin-type and create their own wallet, which takes resources and skill. This is good.