I agree with you for the most part but you skipped over a glaring tantamount critical point.
How ICO/IPO's work.
How can you talk about them and not even bring that up ?And then the secondary point being.. these losers don't care (
how they work)
Nor do they care if the coin is rigged (scammy) and the dev makes millions.
As long as the hoards of profiteers make a bit of change off the "scheme" they are fine with a lack of morality etc.
Take BlockNET for example.He didn't need *
ANY* Bitcoin to
dump to pay for making the coin.
The main dev
could have done it all with his own funds.
I know this because he told us all he had 75% of the code written before he launched his short and quick tiny little jpeg based ANN topic with no text (
which was of course fodder for editing at will and leaving no trace/record of what the topic said) ..and self moderated of course. LOL
But the BlockNET douche said he wanted 1 *MILLION* dollars in Bitcoin..
And in his mind that was acceptable..
The rest of you apparently were quick to defend him and support it too.
So it was fine with all of you also.
Retarded right ?1 example of THOUSANDS.You forgot to mention OP that when i got here in mid-2013 this was a laughing stock.Altcoins were a dirty word and frowned on heavily.
The Bitcoin crowd would snicker at laugh at this forum section basically.
But in time they all clued in that this is a profit making machine.. and popularity took off.
And now it's 10000000000x more scammy and far more of a retard pathetic joke.
@OPYour history is off a bit though.The stop gap between the start and mass IPO's was a *HUGE* trend where SCRYPT cloning became the next big thing.. it started with the Doge coin period of time.
There was sites that made coins and auto added them and auto delisted them to auto changing scrypt coin pools.. i even tried them so i know they existed !
BigVern from Cryptsy even got in on it running one.
But you missed the point bud.. the word "IPO's" was destroyed by me Check your talk history and you will see i badgered the shit out of them until they stopped using the word.
They tried many too.. switching occasionally to ITO and other catch phrases like "Angel Investing" or "Crowd Funding" etc etc
All of them the exact same bullshit like.. Maidsafe.
I pounded them all with FUD about IPO's and they stopped using the word and kept switching terms.
And you are also excluding from your history a 2 year period where they were *NOT* accepted either.You all act like this shit is acceptable but it wasn't.
The new guys showing up lowered the bar.
Be my guest and go look at any old IPO / ICO topics and you will see they were all flamed off the board and effectively dead with no popularity..
See: Ripple or Ethereum for example.So you are acting like this shit was always acceptable.. which is not true.What happened is the scene got more greedy and corrupt.
There is a reason no one gave a shit about Maidsafe or Master coin or what ever way back in the old days.
The users here had integrity and would NOT support a shitcoin with a rigged scammy design.
Hell the crowd here would bitch if a coin had a 2% premine.. let alone a 100% premine. (AKA: an ICO)
See AUR with it's 50% premine / airdrop shenanigans.meh.. what ever.. i should write the shitcoin history book.I was here way before Bitcoin reached $50 a coin and i was here when there was less than 50 "coins" total in history.
I watched this moronic shit go to hell.
I've been here watching 24/7 the whole time.. probably posting more than anyone else in Altcoin history here.
Who else do you see non stop permanently forever ?
The reality is..This started out with good intentions.
It changed long ago..
Now these hoards of greedy corrupt losers want money and they are not going to let a silly thing like morality or ideology get in there way.. or.... if they ruin crypto's future in the process.
As long as they can get a few cents ASAP! they will plow on supporting shit they shouldn't.
Crypto is a toilet and it was flushed in 2013.Like when there is so much scammy bullshit going on that a scam doesn't even get noticed you'd think people would stop and rethink this shit and the scammy ways we are running these so called "coins"
But nope.. they all simply ignore shit and push on.. because i got mah mouth to feed dammit !
In 2013 something like LEO coin would have been a big deal.Now ? Doesn't even get noticed.
How long was Torcoin out before it was exposed and how many of you *EVEN* know it is ?
You all don't care.. you are busy buying gay bullshit fer teh ROI's.
You all simply yammer on "some coins are scams" ignoring anything but your bags.There is a reason the guys here *USE* to chant "
Free Market" all the fucking time.
It was during the SCRYPT cloning hey day when it got big.. they would not stop using it as their defense for supporting clones.
Notice anything ?
They have not mentioned it once since !
The defense was an "
ideology" based defense guys.
Something that is long dead & gone.
What i have tried to teach you idiots here is there is consequences in life.
And you act like little brats and predators and push on.
You reap what you sow.Think I'm "mad" ?I come here to laugh at idiots.. and scream point blank in their face "
I Told You So !"
And i have been able to do it all along over & over.. i am always right and predicted this shit every step of the way.
Idiots here think Ethereum the ICO scam is going to 10k per coin.
Nope.. what is happening is these idiots are forcing the law to come after them.
Which is why i predicted and was right about AML / KYC laws being employed.
Told ya
..you'd think they would listen to me when i am always right but noooooooope.
The lippy greedy immoral kidiot investards know better HAHAHHAHAH
You know you all act like this crap is legit and safe and you are entitled to run scheme's for profit.
Who told you that was ok ?
And shitcoin aficionado's i wrote the dictionary on Altcoins.I made up half the terms we use..
I am the one who first started calling it an Altcoin "
Scene" and i got flamed for it heavily too.
People kept saying "it's not a scene" so quit calling it that all mad.
Back in 2013 that was the first term i invented you all still use today.
Bruno gets credit for Investard though.. i love that one.. simply brilliant ROFL
PS:Don't like my rant ?
Maybe go create 1 million accounts about it and post 10,000 ANN topics
..and cry FUD for your ROI's
profiteers <-- another term i made up myself.