The Value of the investment is insured against loss of value. ( Thats one problem I can't disclose the investment do to NDA agreements)
But everything else would be full disclosure, The Buy wall would most likely be the largest buyer of the asset.
The Reserve account would be a public address so that anyone could verify the reserve.
So the investment value in USD will not change or go down in value.
The dividend will change because of price changes in USD <> BTC.
if there is a wild swing of the price of BTC, and the dividend drops below the threshold, then the reserves would be used to pay the minimum dividend.
(in the event of reserves being depleted the Asset would disband)
In event of disbanding the asset the buyback clause would be in USD paid in BTC. $1 invested = $1 to buyback(might have to tweak it below 100% to add for fees on GLBSE)
I like the idea of the buy wall because it will some liquidity to the market. Allowing people to sell if they need to but protect the asset from loss in the event of panic selling.