The fork idea is just half a ply to draw attention.
The people that we would want to reach are Bitcoin holders. I think if they find out they got some more free coins, even if they don't claim them, they will probably go find out what it's all about and if it's worth anything and then be aware of it.
I was more thinking about targeting the population at large with positive Bitcoin messages to give them a better impression of Bitcoin, rather than them just thinking it is a scam, for scammers, only for criminals and money launderers, etc..
If their are ever enough funds they could be used on many positive things for Bitcoin.
Like nodes. Maybe we could incentivise nodes somehow like we could send some Bitcoin nodes, to BTC nodes that are also running a BPR node as donations, or something.
Or, if we could incentivise BPR nodes with some of the BPR block rewards in the coin's code, maybe people would run them for that incentive and maybe they would run a Bitcoin node too while they are at it since they would already be set up for it.
Imagine how hard it would be for the "powers that be" to orchestrate frivolous wars if they couldn't just print a bunch of fiat to pay for it..
Or for people to be able to escape whatever hellish situation they may find themselves in without monetary controls stopping them, like the confiscation of Jewish wealth right before the holocaust. If they had BTC and knew how to use it could NOT have been confiscated, and could possibly have been sent to help them instead of used to fund their demise..