Before I even got to the end of your post, I figured out a way to create a reward without having to pledge and build a pool. The game/problem/puzzle part will need a little more tweeting, now that you have offered up come good points. I'll pen what I have in a couple hours for readers to mull over.
Now about that Cabbie Commercial Idea? Thoughts?
I'm all for it, I just wouldn't want this guy getting overwhelmed by so many bitcoin related ideas...
He's cool! Think of him this way. He's just a regular guy, with a regular job, supporting an average family. He's enjoying his 15 minutes of fame with the hope of providing for his family that much more. If Twitter allows him to put a few more bucks in his coffer, he'll continue to keep that aspect up. If the acceptance of Bitcoin can provide a few more spending dollars, he'll be on that, too. He's well aware of his brand--ChicagoCabbie. And he's not going to do anything to hurt that brand or, for that matter, the outfit he leases from--Flash Cab.
That commercial idea I outlined above would work exactly the same for a myriad of products and service. Just change the people, accepts cash at the end of the ride, adds his unexpected comment, keep "Cabbies here everything" (or cabbies are in the know more than you think), and change the last line to reflect the product or service being hawked.
Three women are in the cab discussing feminine protection. Their talking about various brands, being cautious, etc. After paying the fare and about to walk away, the driver says to them that his wife uses Alwaysr, with and without wings. They pause (taken slightly aback), but thank him. Tagline or voice over: Cabbies are in the know more than you think. But this advert is not about cabbies. It's about Always Protection.
Two guys and a gal are in the back of the cab trying to get a speech down in a foreign language--Portuguese. After paying the fare, the cabbie says, "Pedra de rosetta seguinte do uso do tempo." (Next time use Rosetta Stone. {possibly wrong translation, but you get the gist}) Tagline or voice over: Cabbies are in the know more than you think. But this advert is not about cabbies. It's about learning a language--fast!
See where I'm going? The same character, basically the same scene, different people, different product, same first half of tagline, different pitch at the end. On the surface, the above two examples, or hundreds like them, have nothing to do with Bitcoin. But Bitcoin would be the first commercial of this meme bringing awareness to Bitcoin directly and indirectly.