One of the more anonymous ways of buying bitcoins currently is to buy a gift card with cash and then sell it for BTC on Paxful. However, it is difficult to do this with a brand new Paxful account because BTC-sellers are wary of various types of fraud in this process (eg. buying the gift card with a stolen credit card); however, if you build reputation on a Paxful account, you will then be tying all of your acquired BTC together, which is terrible for privacy. This could be solved with blinded bearer certificates (eg.
1. Paxful designates certain users as trusted. These users might, for example, have their identity known to Paxful.
2. Without having to create an account, a user can post an advertisement like "Selling a $100 Amazon gift card for BTC". When they do this, they will spend all of the Paxful trust certs that they have acquired at any time in the past. Their advertisement will then be listed with a trust score equal to the number of submitted certs.
a. If the advertisement is cancelled, then Paxful will reissue new certs equal to the previously-spent certs and give them back to the advertiser, so the advertiser’s trust score will not change.
b. If the advertisement is completed successfully, and the counterparty is a Paxful-trusted user, then Paxful will reissue new certs equal to the previously-spent certs plus 1. So the advertiser’s trust score will either increase, if they are dealing with a Paxful-trusted-user, or stay the same if they’re dealing with any other user.
c. If the advertisement results in fraud by the advertiser, then no new certs will be reissued, and the advertiser will lose all of the trust points that he associated with the advertisement.
The result is that you can do Paxful trades without any possibility of your transactions being linked together (blinded bearer certificates are perfectly anonymous, even to the "bank"), but
with tracking of your reputation so that once you’ve done a few trades, you will be able to easily trade with people.