Soon Bitcoin theft will become impossible. Did you know your heartbeat rhythm is as unique as your fingerprint?
In the near future, you will wear a bracelet that detects this rhythm and locks your wallet the moment the bracelet is removed. The device will also ask for your confirmation via smartphone anytime a transaction occurs.
Or perhaps it will be a google-glass type device that scans your retina for every transaction. Who knows?
What's certain is that the problem of crypto theft will soon be solved, because profit finds a way to be made, and solving that problem will be extremely lucrative indeed.
WHEN this happens, fear will be completely removed from the bitcoin space, and we will have a glorious outburst of economic activity in the bitcoin sphere.
Problem with using your heartbeat to access anything is that your heart rhythm changes as you age, and especially in cases of pathology. Could you imagine being 45, developing atrial fibrillation and then no longer being able to access your bitcoins? What if you develop an AV block, or go into transient a-fib after an alcohol binge?