As a first post I may as well ask a question that i've been thinking for a while. If bitcoin survives and lasts for years to come, does that automatically mean it's worth will increase as well? Assuming it survives means more and more people use it which will ultimately increase mining which increases difficulty which in effect drives up price. Is this a correct assumption or not? I know there are other factors that affect price, but i'm asking in general. I remember reading about bitcoin when it was worth around $5 for one...
I think that the price will fluctuate a lot but I don't think it will continue to go up. As someone already said gold is a good example. You must also realize that soon BTC will reach 21 million and then their will be none to be mined and people can only get paid from transactions so that will also affect the price and I think on the day no more BTC are being generated, the price will go up a lot.