I am new to bitcoin area and blockchain technology.I have been reading a lot of papers related to how to apply blockchain technology to some specific areas, for example, user authetication, health record or more
I am wondering are they using bitcoin blockchain system if they apply blockchain technology? If yes, I will assume each of their implementation come with a bitcoin cost.If it is true, it would make me more confused, because for some paper, they apply block chain on the cloud in the area of user authentication. If we don't use blockchain, then we don't need to pay but since they use blockchain, I assume there is a fee for that(because miner get some reward, this reward must come from somewhere!!)
If no, what I mean is, if they are not using bitcoin blockchain sys, then they build up their own?? As what I know, all the benefits of [Suspicious link removed]es with "there are a number of miners compete with building a block", if they create their own blockchain, how can they make sure there are "enough" miners in their sys???
I would say, none of the paper mention about the incentives when they use blockchain technology, which makes me think they are kind of lack of applicability.
If I am wrong ,please let me know, cuz I am really confused about that...