
Topic: If Kamala Harris was a patriot, she would resign now, here is why ! (Read 56 times)

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liife threw a tempest at you? be a coconut !
If Kamala Harris was a patriot, able to put her ego and pride aside, she would resign today. The reasoning behind this, is that it would with the simultaneous impeachment of the "president" on the ground of mental health, lead to Nancy Pelosi becoming the first female president... (as if it was important the xx or xy status of an individual in relation to this position).

I would need Nancy Pelosi has Potus, to break the trance of all those sheeple. For them to understand... seriously, what am I doing here? I mean if they can't understand already, what can be done?

my idea was simply that by having her as potus it would expose a little bit more the sheeple to the reality of the american establishment, it's corruptions, it's rottenness.

But fundamentally, the real problem is a counter-intelligence failure on the domestic front.

And as it was legally the job of the FBI, a failure of the FBI.

and so we enter the web of real corruption. Not the millions of Pelosi, that harris or any politicians seeks...

but the realm of the existence of the american republic and most western nations.

that leads us to the real plan of TBTP, which is if you read simply the quotes of their great thinkers, to erase nationalism, which means concretly borders, jurisdiction, culture, language and religion, and even the native people themselves, to attempt to use the power of the usa, and the west, to try to create a worldwide singular gov.

and the fundamental issue I have with this project, is that it's one a failure (won't work to put it bluntly if achieved) and secondly even if it worked once established will lead to destruction of the heritages of western civilization itself. I think for example to the north americans previous civilization before contact with Christendom, and how they lost most of theirs, from language to space, to culture.

another example I could give, is that certainly some tried to reform or restructure the roman empire, however if a restructuration, implies an implosion to rebuild it back better, it's sometimes, possible that it won't be possible anymore, as the damages done by the implosion may lead to the ground being improper for rebuilding, being in the context of civilization as people dynamics, if the people are gone...

what is really sad is what ever I write, it has no meaning, at best it won't be censored, which from it, I suffer from censorship PTS, but most certainly totally irrelevant and impact less.

representative democracies have really a yuge work to do in who becomes representative of the people, and specially in matters of corruption treason and grifting.

I permit myself to makes mine those words :

Quote from: -Marcus Tullius Cicero
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

In short I believe that putting Pelosi as Potus could be used to expose the entire american political establishment to take it down peacefully and legally, and stop this failed march toward a single world government.

However, I can offer a certitude, NWOer, UNer, others singular worldwide gov, you are gonna face hell, here on earth and I hope in the realm. Some, among, myself, will never federate around you, and the periphery will always win over your rotten core. We are the People and among us some will be so close to God, than anything you will throw at us, will be almost at God himself !

and as another brilliant man said :

no justice, no peace...

and as real armies are puerly meritocratic performance based organization toward justice naturally will they gravitate, performance depends on it... practically. As such it's not a choice, and as such i welcome you, to the laws of war, or renown worldwide as the Tao of War... if you took it was an art... it's way more. It's the condition for a civilization to exist. and sadly, a worldwide civilization is an abnegation of the past heritage of what made in the first place life worth living.

I still always wish you gl&hf...

ps I am sure she won't, she dreams too much of a mcmansion like obama... what they don't get is that those possession are excellent rewards for the victorious... from the ultimate metrics of life, the battlefield performance, as long as it doesn't compromise such Wink, it's more complex than you can believe.

simply said, if you want to make money go to wall street or the Wall Observers here, don't become a legislator in congress... it shouldn't be about your wealth, but the "wealth of the nation". and of course counter-intelligence and the police should overwatch the legality and legitimacy of such pretending to incarnate it for a nation. the problem is that the temptation to not expose corruption is great, as by doing so it permits the preatorian guard to control it's own budget...

so simply resaid, kamala, trump, pence or biden, even obama or bush, become totally irrelevant in this discussion.

how to protect a parliament in a democracy or representative republic? money like very tool can too become a sin, when the tool doesn't serve the man, but man serves the tool.

and as such we revert to a question of liberty, and how the individual liberty of the son of man can become tainted or even infriginged by the collective will, manipulated by the so called politicians, and enforced by the so called police and others security systems.

I don't have yet the answers.

but at least the usa, right now provide the perfect setup for a rescue. How can a captured republic be restored and taken back from the hands of it's captors? Maybe by putting one of the most corrupt in the front of the plebians, to show them, if only the preatorian guard wants it to happen... the other option is for the preatorian guard to create to divide the republic territory among themselves in small fiefdom who among them some just will rise, fight and fall, to converge again toward the same problem.

biologically, I would use nancy pelosi, to wake a captive wolves, how to hunt again, if you see the analogy here. it would be simple : look american people, it's the people fucking you... but maybe they already destroyed this idea, of american people too... I don't know.

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