Not a myth! The doctors are monitoring electronic pulse waves. Yeah our brain sends electronic pulse waves throughout the entire brains. So that is why the whole brain is red on scanners. The doctors do not differentiate between automatic electronic wave signals that keep our system going. Like hearth pumping, liver working, lungs breathing in air and so on.
We have 2 kinds of wave signals in our brain!
Automatic pulse waves to keep body functions going! Only the reason why the whole brain is warm on scanners.
Manual electronics pulse wave functions where synapses are formed through learning.
If every body used brain at 100% capacity.
Why are there some people that sucks at math and some people excel at math?
Why are there good book writer and bad book writers?
Why are there good teachers and bad teachers?
Why are there good leaders and bad leaders?
Why do some high School kids fail the school while some are succeeding school without problems?
If everyone used 100% of their brain. That means there are no dumb people and smart people.
Automatic body pulse waves that keeps us going are not 100% brain usage guys. Our whole brain is warm on scanners only because of these automatic functions.
When you are solving math problems and equation. You are using manual wave pulses. Manual brainwaves synapses needs to be trained in order to achieve abilities.
If we used 100%! Then everybody should be good at The Art Of Drawing Pictures by now. Yet only some people are master artist.
These stupid doctors do not differentiate between manual electronic pulse waves and automatic pulse waves. This is our problem here.
10% brain usages is not a myth. Only dumb people that believes other dumb people.
Playing a football or a basketball activates manual brain waves. Manual brain waves need to be trained in order to achieve brain abilities. That means you are creating synapses and using your brain. Duh huh. Reading books also creates manual brain synapses that gives you abilities to write better in your tongue language.