If you're a good business person that knows how to read the times and study the market, there is so much you can make out of this consistent increase in the price of major goods in this country.
In this country, any real asset you buy today will be at least five times it current value in the next five years and if you think I'm wrong you can take yourself five years backwards and look at the prices of so many common stuffs like roofing zincs, cement, phones, all building material, lands and even normal vehicles.
As we set out part of our resource into Bitcoin investments, let's not close our eyes to the bounty opportunity that's available for us to possibly invest into that will certainly yield a good amount of profit for us in five or ten years to come.
Truth be told, with the situation of the country now, there's ample opportunities to thrive in any small profitable venture you engage in, reason being that there are lesser competition now ass its only the strong hearted and wise ones that engage in profitable ventures now. Things are so difficult that most people have lost their capitals. If the yours now, you might even be enjoying monopoly or slim competitions.