If I could be a dictator of the USA or any other country, I would implement Proof Of Work in a real life. I mean, everyone should earn what they deserve. I know this is not actually on-topic and about the usage of POW coins but let me explain what I mean.
Proof Of Work in ideal life would look like this:
Everyone wears a watch during the work that measures how much physical energy they use, i.e. how many calories they burn during the work, how much mental energy they use (let's say it's 2050 year) and what kind of mental or physical job they do. They will have a coefficient according to their job type and they will earn money that way. This means that people who do nothing, like many managers and some higher people, will earn nothing if they actually don't work during the day. This can probably solve many problems and lazy people wouldn't be earning high figures without actually doing the job.
I really wish there was a Proof Of Work system in our life, that would make life fairer and would make some sense.