The world obviously don't revolve around anyone, that I know and I appreciate your reminder of that.
Also, my dear friend and I are very close and getting along very well even till this moment. Am not the complainant actually cause I know what is involved as far as his source of income is concerned.
It's rather other persons such as his other friends and colleagues that have no knowledge of what is in involved by him being online always, these are the persons rather complaining. Of which to some I have tried to explain things to be wouldn't understand cause they are not into cryto or rather they don't posses the knowledge about it.
Like one of the user said in one of the comments on this my thread; that my friend may be ignoring their messages so not to be distracted, as most times social media chats could derail a persons attention with frivolous discussions which was not what the person Intended to before going online.
I probably misunderstood you. But in this case, everything written earlier should be attributed to those people who just hang out on social networks. To be honest, I have a prejudice that nothing serious can be found on social networks anymore, so I deleted all the profiles that I had.
If your friend follows the same path, I think he will become much calmer and no one will distract him.