Официальная ветка биржи https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.51067894IGT-CRYPTO расширяется и оглашает набор квалифицированных кадров на должности Специалиста по маркетингу и Комьюнити менеджера для русскоязычного и англоязычного сегментов.КОМЬЮНИТИ МЕНЕДЖЕР:
ТребованияОпыт работы комьюнити менеджером / специалистом службы поддержки / продвижения ICO / участия в баунти программах
Наличие экспертизы в сфере бирж / трейдинга / криптовалют
Реальные кейсы, способность описать свою роль
Английский не ниже уровня Intermediate, если вы хотите работать с англоязычным сегментом. Либо работа исключительно на русском на ваше усмотрение
ЗадачиРабота с целевой аудиторией проекта (трейдеры / инвесторы)
УсловияИндивидуальный подход к профессиональному росту и развитию внутри компании.
Удалённая работа (возможность работать из любой точки мира)
Если вы специалист своего дела и хотите стать частью команды IGT-CRYPTO, подайте своё резюме, заполнив данную форму Google:
https://forms.gle/d9kZfT7oi561DjrW7We’re looking for experienced Marketing Manager and Community Managers for both Russian and English segments.
Experience in digital marketing
Expertise in the field of exchanges / trading / cryptocurrency
Real cases, the ability to describe your role
At least an intermediate level of English
ResponsibilitiesMarket analysis based on secondary information from the Internet: volume, trends, key figures, dependcies on various factors, forecasts.
Competitor analysis: sales channels, sales volume, audience, niche, key success factors in different markets, competitive advantages, positioning factors.
Product promotion strategy development based on the analysis performed.
One should be able to search and invite users to conduct profound interviews.
Quickly test a large number of hypotheses about users and about the product, search for ideas on the development and improvement of the product.
Search and test new formats and traffic sources.
ConditionsIndividual approach to professional growth and development within the company.
One must be able to work in the office in Kyiv or remotely
Competitive salary
If you’re passionate about putting your talents to work and want to become part of the IGT-CRYPTO team then fill out this Google-form:
https://forms.gle/UnUquB6Qx7FHAKry9COMMUNITY MANAGER:
QualificationsExperience in community management / support service / ICO promotion / participation in bounty programs
Expertise in the field of exchanges / trading / cryptocurrency
Real cases, the ability to describe your role
At least an intermediate level of English if you want to work with the English community segment. Russian would be enough if you want to work only with the Russian segment of the community
ResponsibilitiesWork with the target audience of the project (traders / investors)
ConditionsIndividual approach to professional growth and development within the company.
Remote work
If you’re passionate about putting your talents to work and want to become part of the IGT-CRYPTO team then fill out this Google-form: