I kinda thought bandwagon, too. Crikey. 20% increase since this thread started 6 hours ago. That's something like 300,000 S9s. Anybody notice the lights flickering?
What is the 20% that you are referring to? It's important to understand that there isn't some kind of "global hash rate meter". Any website that provides an
ESTIMATE of the current hash rate is doing that based on recent block solve rate. In other words how quickly are blocks being solved. From that, the estimated hash rate is calculated. How many blocks to you use in that calculation? One, Ten, One Hundred? The difficulty adjustment is based on how long it took to solve 2016 blocks. During that interval, there can be wild swings, even if the final adjustment after 2016 blocks is quite small (even zero).
Of course there is new gear being switched on all the time. Stuff that was sold and just arrived (from Bitmain, Ebay, Bitfury, where ever) is going to get turned on. Nobody buys a miner and then doesn't switch it on for at least a while. It takes quite a while for miners, large or small, to turn off mining gear they have already paid for based strictly on BTC price.
https://btc.com/stats/diff507,964 2018-02-06 08:34:49
506,016 2018-01-25 01:48:20
1948 blocks in 12 days and about 7 hours
12 x 144 = 1728
7 x 6 = 42
1770 = 0%
1948/1770 = 1.1005 which is 10.05%
of course switching large amounts to BCC/BCH can alter it.
current number mean the s-7 and the avalon 741 will be retired soon.
at 6 cent power an avalon 741 makes
at 4 cent power an avalon 741 makes
at 6 cent power an s7 makes
at 4 cent power an s7 makes
If I recall Hash Nest charges 8 cents so the s7 makes
what does this mean diff will rise or price will drop until the s-7 is done
and the s-7 is very close to dead at 8 cent price