This will change as the June/July 2021 Miners arrive batch 4 Nebra Hotspot and other Helium Node Mining gear arrives then. *supposedly* the cutoff for batch 4 was
Today 4:59 pm, I think it was, PST. Batch 5 does not go by month, they simply say it will be Q3. I've seen that kinda logic with GPU cards that suddenly are canceled
due to the chip crisis. Anyway, The Nebra miners I have links for here take PayPal so no issues. Use with a credit card and PayPal and you are doubly protected.
I got TWO in the middle of Southern Minnesota and so NO other get the challenger award that is 1.82 HNT currently (so sad)
IF the equipment was here
if you have TWO nodes of anybody outside of around 300m and no more than 1200m (indoor) or 2000m (outdoor) this is the minimum they can do better than this...then
you only get that. With another NODE in view (75% of all nodes have this) you are looking at 60 or so HTN a I got two. There is a PC store (that may or
may not have gone out of business a couple of blocks away) and a Gamer D&D RPG place also 2 blocks away. Both are 1 story only mall type buildings though.
My first plan (is if not out of biz) the PC store and just 'give' them the node..for 1/2 the rewards and/or they can buy when/if they see it is legit. Even with halving
in August....looking at 2 month ROI or some 'doable'. I'm in a University town so I would 'assume' if any come back to the real world there would be more nodes here.
I got mine direct from using PayPal.
I got the wrong ones (2) indoor...and went with the more
spendy outdoor pair...the transaction for such was canceled promptly and I re-did 2 outdoor units.
Anyway, the price of Helium could dump, the halving takes a bite out of the above in August....and also 'maybe' a rush of NEW masses of buying of these units
also taking down some profits. But I mean really? Right now if you had one in hand it is a 1/2 month ROI assuming you have 2 nodes to get the challengee and witness
rewards on top of the 1.82 challengers (called that because your ass is by your lonesome at 1.82 htn that sucks) Why they don't have 'rewards' for us out in the
wilderness risking snakebite and bear attacks and rapids to expand their network into the hinterlands I've no idea, seems short-sighted. These devices must just
kill for traffic in like downtown N.Y. or something.
Anyway, again, even if all the above halving and price goes down for HTN and more competition to mine in difficulty....if it goes down to 1/4 of what it is now
that is still like 3-4 month ROI well within my usual (never to happen again) ASIC miner ratio back in the day.
Well, for sure I"m the first in the middle of Mankato, Minnesota, and jeez what 125 miles from any other node.....shit 'bears'! (it is tough out here in the wilds of
making this network grow by my lonesome!)
Anyway, if the above two don't work out, I'll just start bugging neighbors outside the 300m window and such.....I doubt people will turn down $$$ for the use
of 15 watts!
Stuff to do, not gonna change your life, but as close to hobby mining anything at home I'm ever gonna see again.