I would ask you to take a good look at AppleByte. We launched May 1, 2014.DISCLAIMER: I am on the Dev team of AppleBytes, so I am certainly biased We are focused a building a niche market, supporting artists of all types and started in NYC, which of course is a mecca for artists.
Here is a quick summary, you can see lots of details and lots of progress on the links below.
Steadily rising price, traded on poloniex.com, no pump & dump
Rapidly growing user community, we have 2000+ artists & art lovers on twitter, 1300+ on FB
We have given the users many places to spend their applebytes: AppleByte VISA card, Subway & ShakeShack gift cards, and our latest, the AppleByte AMC Movie Theater Card. On our Forum, you can see the promotions we have done:
Places to spend AppleBytesThe coin is no simple clone, we implemented security features like Autocheckpointing & DGW2 from the start
Mining schedule over 8 years, halves approx. every two years, 1 Billion coins
We are well funded by The AppleByte Foundation & the premine that we did will be used to fund Artist scholarships over the next 10 years, so no airdrop
Devs were paid in Bitcoin (from the Indiegogo campaign), not premine
We are traded on
PoloniexAppleByte info:Announce Thread:
Announce ThreadWebsite:
AppleByte.meCrowd Funding Campaign:
Indiegogo CampaignFacebook:
AppleByteMe FB PageTwitter:
AppleByteMe TwitterThere is a lot of work to do of course, but we are focused on longterm user community growth, and I believe make a worthy longterm investment.