H/s = Hashes Per Second
1 kH/s = 1,000 H/s
1 MH/s = 1,000 kH/s
1 GH/s = 1,000 MH/s = 1,000,000 kH/s
1 TH/s = 1,000 GH/s = 1,000,000 MH/s = 1,000,000,000 kH/s
Sol/s = Solutions Per Second (Basically the same as H/s. Sol/s is what is used in Equihash algorithm)
kWh = Kilo Watts Per Hour
Intensity = GPU Work Utilization - The higher the intensity, the higher the GPU works which translates to higher hashrates
Difficulty = Mining Difficulty - The higher the difficulty, the higher it is to mine
Block # = It is what it is. A block is composed of transaction records
Hope this helps. Cheers.