I need a value of 0.007BTC as of now cause I will make a repayment for my loan request and I think no one will help me, and decided to start this topic that I could attract one customers.
What service I can offer.
- Sigtnature Design
- Creating html pages
- Posting for your account in one week.
- I can also use my soferox account as collateral if you lend me 0.01BTC, however you need to be trusted, and you need to trust me too.
- I can help to manage your campaign
- Anything that you think, that I can do right now.
- Make a review in anything, for an instance blog, website, service, anything.
- Writing an article about anything, my English language proficiency might not be an issue.
- If anything in the list is illegal, please do make some opinions.
- If you are interested in anything that's in the list leave a message here or pm me.
P.S I really need money right now as I know you already knew why, alternatively please don't spam my thread, like this one did.