
Topic: I'm Selling Bitcoin for $160 per coin on ebay.Payment must be made in US Dollars (Read 847 times)

hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
I think it also no coincidence that eBay has taken down all of his BTC listings.  I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't been given an ultimatum of cut it out or we'll cut you already (or in the very near future)
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
160  lol 40$ more than current price

The 160 in and of itself wouldn't be outrageous.  10% ebay fees would put him at 120+12 = 132.  Another say 5% for PP puts him at about 140.  So it's only a 20$ premium for the convenience of paying with a CC-something I would consider if I needed BTC now and didn't have time to get verified or use an exchange.  But the fact that he's making you jump through hoops to use his service is why no one will buy that's mainstream.  Since he's not accepting CC, he has no cost, and he's not offering any value added services.  For 120 + 2%, I can walk down to walmart and buy the same with bitinstant or other services.

The problem with his business model is that he doesn't have one!  What exactly is he selling that's worth $40?  If he offered to let people pay via PP, that's once thing--there's risk involved and one could argue that a $40 premium would be worth it for the instant transaction through a CC.  But he isn't offering any service at all!!!
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
160  lol 40$ more than current price
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
Is this guy STILL trying to list his BTC on ebay?  He's gotten burned so many times already with chargebacks, and he's had listings removed for violating the TOS.  This listing does the exact same.


No need to pay this much of a premium for BTC when there are much, much cheaper options around (starting at 0.55% on exchanges, and up to 3% max if you need BTC within the hour)
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
I'm selling Bitcoin at a discount of $160 per coin. Payment must be made in US Dollars. A lot of Seller's successfully sell their Bitcoin for over $200 but dealing with Paypal and scammers is a too much of a hassle.
To Paypal and Ebay Bitcoin is akin to Voodoo. Your 90 year old Grandma probably knows more about Bitcoin than your average Paypal or Ebay customer service rep.

I have 100% positive feedback and have been selling for 6months.

Oh, My Sides!
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
It's not hard at all to acquire BTC in of the largest movers of BTC...
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
Paypal/ebay will close anyone's account if he has anything to do with bitcoin.
Also wtf @ that price lol, has it become that hard to get btc in the USA?
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
Why you accept only Usd payment ?
Activity: 55
Merit: 0
I'm selling Bitcoin at a discount of $160 per coin.

you call charging a 30+% premium a "discount"  ? ??
Activity: 80
Merit: 10
Gold Silver Bitcoin: It's your choice
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
You're charging way to much for wanting cash in the mail. The whole point of getting such a good markup on eBay is people can buy bitcoins with their credit card and/or paypal. Your feedback seems like you have good intentions but your listings are way outside eBay's terms of sales policy; they'll get you soon if they haven't already   Undecided

If you're not sure what I mean:

Just trying to help you avoid getting your account suspended as it is a real pain in the ass to fix sometimes.
Sometimes? More like all the time. They are stubborn and don't really care much for small time sellers honestly. Also $160 is way too much.
full member
Activity: 267
Merit: 101
You're charging way to much for wanting cash in the mail. The whole point of getting such a good markup on eBay is people can buy bitcoins with their credit card and/or paypal. Your feedback seems like you have good intentions but your listings are way outside eBay's terms of sales policy; they'll get you soon if they haven't already   Undecided

If you're not sure what I mean:

Just trying to help you avoid getting your account suspended as it is a real pain in the ass to fix sometimes.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
I'm selling Bitcoin at a discount of $160 per coin. Payment must be made in US Dollars. A lot of Seller's successfully sell their Bitcoin for over $200 but dealing with Paypal and scammers is a too much of a hassle.
To Paypal and Ebay Bitcoin is akin to Voodoo. Your 90 year old Grandma probably knows more about Bitcoin than your average Paypal or Ebay customer service rep.

I have 100% positive feedback and have been selling for 6months.
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