You are exactly the type of people the forum wants to get rid off.Sent you a negative feedback even before your official journey started on the forum.
Well now you just earned yourself some red text next to your name due to the way you treat others for no reason. Maybe that will help you continue YOUR bounties.
And I also saw your long list of BAD trust in your profile some of which has to do with using ALT accounts.
"MAKES NEW ACCOUNTS TO PARTICIPATE IN GIVEAWAYS" lol...and all the rest. Wow you are really a scum bag dude. Go get a job because you can't even do this right. I can't believe how long of a list of negative things other users have posted against you for the fact that you manipulate this system and try and scam the forum for more by making other accounts yourself.
So you are one to talk you hypocrite. How sad of a human. Guess you got what you deserve.
You may want to get some help since you hate your life so much. I have never seen someone act like such an asshole for no reason in my life. Maybe get an education, a better job, and a family that likes you.
Big bad JOEL.... lol
Well no need to be so salty about it mate. Tell me the truth - you and your alt account ring was busted by Joel? He is pretty active in hunting them and I hope he hunts more of them down.
Anyway I hope this thread gets trashed soon. We dont want these throwaway accounts trying to sell accounts and so on.