Unfortunately all their actions leave a digital footprint out there and if you get people with enough knowledge, you can collect that data and show that to the Police. Sorry you fell for that.... but a sucker are born every day.
Good luck ..... hope your scammers left some footprints.
Yeap too many of these scammers pose as bimbos on telegram as well and try to lure all these desperate men into doing stupid things and they are all male scammers, who know how men think lol! They see a profile of some blonde bimbo then they become controlled by these scammers. Also most of the peeps in Bitcoin and generally crypto are men and they become gullible targets for these stupid activities. You guys need to wake up and smell the coffee and realize that a fake pretty face is not going to get all your desires filled or your purses full of Bitcoin. You took part in fraudulent activity by logging into someone else's wallet. Didn't you know going into someone else's property is illegal lol? I would be very careful next time not to listen to even allow contact with bimboesque profiles on the Internet and telegram is full of them, along with Facebook.