The world is fast growing because most of the inventions are probably supported by electricity, in health care, education, transportation, engineering, entertainment etc. Electricity has played a vital role in global development and that brings me to the questions.. how would the world be in 2022 without electricity,
Although man lived thousands of years without electricity, but currently it has became one of the most important needs of humanity. Almost everything is powered by electricity. Without electricity there would be lack of basic services such as mobile communication, internet, lightening, water, heating, etc. Industries might would produce nothing, which would lead to lack or insufficient supply of food and other consumable. The health sector would be a total mess because electricity is needed to offer medical services. Bitcoin would also be affected because mining would be affected and transactions would be hampered. Just imagine how life would be when the power source of your town is cut off for a whole week and you might get some some answers to your imaginative questions.
why are the investors of this great technology not celebrated globally in a particular day to mark their great achievement, the date is only set on the 9th of January but the awareness isn’t known by most people. This great achievement by this legends are indeed special and needs more recognition
I assume that your question is why are the inventor's of electricity not celebrated. Although there are diverse argument about the discovery of electricity, but it is generally agreed that Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. Several efforts have been made to immortalize and celebrate his achievement. There is a Benjamin Franklin Medals awarded to people that distinguished themselves in science. A science museum named Franklin Institute was also established to celebrate this great achiever.
Public awareness are carried-out mostly by professional bodies and non-governmental organizations. You might not be aware of these programmes except you are a member or connected to them. It is possible that people in the electrical engineering field might be more conversant with this awareness.