Satoshi went straught into it hustled to make the bitcoin blockchain, got a bunch of folks to help him, made it fool proof and then just was like welp okay I'm out, dueces. To never be heard from again, never even use any of their massive fortune, not a single lead as to where he is or what he is doing right now. What other world changing technology do you think they are working on right now?
Satoshi was forced to disappear so that his offspring would remain decentralized, as it was intended.
It should not be assumed that Satoshi (or a group of people under this pseudonym) are the serial creators of something revolutionary (although this can't be ruled out either, because he / they can work under new pseudonyms). Anything could happen, for example, the creator of bitcoin is no longer alive or they have exhausted their creative potential.
Something I have always been so curious of is what is Satoshi like? How did he grow up, did he have any siblings and what were his parents like (assuming it's just one person and a male as opposed go a group of people).
It remains (perhaps forever) beyond the unknown.
It baffles me that someone could have such wealth and fortune and not even touch it for sooooo long. Could you imagine this forum shaking to its core if one of his wallets became active? That would he a sight to see.
Wealth is only for the poor and the living. It is not known, probably he is not experiencing financial difficulties, if, of course, he is still alive. Think about it and then it will not confuse you.
Undoubtedly, any activity on Satoshi's wallets will make a splash not only on this forum, but throughout the entire crypto community. Until this happens, you can sleep peacefully.
I know so many people go for Hal Finney being Satoshi which would make a lot of sense since that major fortune hasn't been touched and Hal has been passed for about as long now, but why on earth would Satoshi make the first person he sent btc to be himself if he was trying to keep his identity a secret lol. That's why I think thay can't be. If you ask me Satoshi is out there living among us living an every day life, probably no different than an average upper middle class citizen so that he can keep to himself and never have any suspicion following them. That's just my 2 cents
It could have been a feint to confuse the likes of you. This also remains beyond the bounds of the unknown.
It is also possible that Satoshi continues to live among us, but we don't know anything about this. Apparently, it's better for him and for