Don't forget some persons don't like associating with their household on this kind of things. This is because some household members do take things personally and feels you want to cheat them. Business most times should be done with family members so is investment. Unless proper agreement and orientation was taken place before starting it.
Of course, it's not that easy, you will be the one to manage the investment portfolio, they will be calling you from time to time on how the investment is going (if they are on profit or not). This may cause fear or threaten your mindset on the investment. Which means you have to be a professional bitcoin investor before bringing in your household to the game.
While you've also made some buyable and considerable points, how about if you've thought them about the risks involved and they also accepted believing that you as their family member can't afford to defraud them from such lucracious ideal of Investing on the bitcoin which is brought to them, don't you think it'd be a better way to enhance their enthusiasm of bitcoin if you create wallets for them individually and they'd still be the ones to take responsible risks of their funds. Basically the risk would be majorly ilicited to be more of manners by which the seed phrases is been handled.
Since bitcoin investment doesn't require any of those personal skills I think it'd be easy for them to coup with the system but only that they should be careful on how the seed phrases and wallets is controlled.
This would privilege them all to rest assured that their assets is under their control and it'd also console their confidence that their funds are safe since they could have assets to it at their pleases which would also reduce your burdens away from the investment circle.
Hopefully the bitcoin family chains would still be rolling where every of your family circles are becomes bitcoin enthusiastics.