against the USDT is very high, so for the long term I am still optimistic that the USDT will move in a positive direction. Very unlikely USDT
becomes a scams, because being the top 3 cryptocurrency in market cap has proven USDT is reliable and trustworthy.
Investors may trust USDT because of its high prominence in the crypto/Blockchain space. But there's more to it than "meets the eye". It's no secret that Tether's operations are shady. Being unable to provide transparency of its "USD reserves" has a lot to say about its legitimacy. There's no proof that Tether's USD holdings are what they say them to be (AFAIK). USDT may be another nail in the coffin, if the authorities find out the company is lying. This could negatively impact crypto's prices in the short term, as USDT is the #1 stablecoin on the crypto market. But at least, there will be other alternatives that will take USDT's place in the future. We already have a wide array of centralized stablecoins on the market which serve the same purpose as Tether USDT.
Let's hope that the stablecoin industry remains as legitimate as possible in order to attract institutional investors into it. Only then, "De-Fi" will become mainstream. There's a lot of room for growth, since stablecoins are only beginning to blossom. With a regulatory-friendly environment, centralized stablecoins will be here to stay for a long time. USDT or not, it's safe to say that stablecoins are the future of money. Just my thoughts