Personally, I think being 'an impeachment happy country' is better than not. Adding "I agree to be transparent, reasonable and not bitch and moan when I am inevitably investigated" to the Presidential Oath wouldn't be a bad idea imo.
It sucks how divided and pissed everyone is, but the less we investigate and scrutinize every decision the President makes, especially when it comes to anything involving elections, the bigger the risk of becoming a '
Hell of an attitude, coming from an obivious Obamanoid and sole loser of 2016.
Don't you really mean "investigate the enemy" and "Never investigate our own tribe"?
If not, do you recognize that "Never investigate our own tribe" is one of the primary features of your tribe?
I was really just trying to discuss the way our country is set up with checks and balances. The system is set up to give the President more power than any other American, but also prevent him from becoming a King. Allowing a president to abuse the power of his office to gain more power is what Ben Franklin was talking about with the 'we have a Republic, if we can keep it' comment.
I don't look at each election as half the country winning and half the country losing. It's just a decision the country made collectively. (I didn't vote for Trump, but honestly I was kind of excited he did and thought he could end up being a great president after his first speech after he won) . The more rational and informed everyone is, the better a decision we can make. Trash talking and complete loyalty makes for an exciting Hockey game. But this isn't a Hockey game, how about we just listen to each other as Americans (and Humans) with different opinions and ideas that maybe you hadn't considered instead of just talking shit.