Seems like Bitcoin Core is not recognising the "Vpub" as being a valid key for whatever reason?
A couple of points to note for anyone following along at home:
1. the "child path" you will need to use in your descriptor is: /0/*
2. If you don't want to generate 1000 addresses (the default 'range' setting), then include a "range" in the descriptor
3. You will need a "descriptor checksum" to use importmulti (use the getdescriptorinfo call to generate the checksum for your descriptor)
So, I created 3 "standard" wallets in Electrum Testnet... and then created a 2-of-3 MultiSig... this MultiSig uses the three tpubs:
This wallet generated the following addresses:
So... our "descriptor" will be:
Ok, so we have our descriptor, now we need the checksum:
This should generate something like:
"descriptor": "sh(sortedmulti(2,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4XgEBrr2NwxfyEehaHfm83BqX79y1QMs5ewSkpyQgSFQ9vSfEqiDeHuNU55gABbDMDtfyfVBq6pBgeJmSUxisnqKG89Mgtu3/0/*,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4XkeJ7kHEo6Bu8fFRM7b5rsYCBBVFesJRNcxuMXhqDCPKiiWxke7mrRDrQAghGsn3MH3xQYFEPbAsutnyMVo835YeToYVB2R/0/*,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4WP2J1AQDCCzzAJFtbxwrwNAPdGrj7f8fpEKC1yQC3Dio9EvMGF6AGY6oN46Bbea6pgV1hXuTGegPcy5mMY2eUy8gwnesrsF/0/*))#7mwe6979",
"checksum": "7mwe6979",
"isrange": true,
"issolvable": true,
"hasprivatekeys": false
So... our "descriptor#checksum" string is now:
And now we can just use importmulti:
Important things to note for this example... we use sortedmulti() as the keys need to be order lexographically... I specified the "range" as 10 for brevity... if you leave the range out, Bitcoin Core will default to generating 1000 addresses! and you'll understand why we don't want 1000 for our test in a bit
"timestamp":"now" basically says, I've only just created these keys, so don't bother rescanning... again, this was to save time testing purposes... so the result won't actually show the transaction history for these addresses... (for the record, I actually did a rescanblockchain 1905760 to scan from block 1905760 and it found the appropriate transactions )
Anyway... this command gives:
"success": true,
"warnings": [
"Some private keys are missing, outputs will be considered watchonly. If this is intentional, specify the watchonly flag."
GREAT SUCCESS! and looking in "Receiving Addresses" in Bitcoin Core (Testnet):
We have the same addresses as generated by Electrum... (just displayed in a different order! Now do you understand why we set the range to 10 and not 1000??!? )