You need a private key to use your bitcoins, that is what you should be importing in Bitcoin Core.
I believe they start with xpriv...
I believe it is BIP38 encrypted and you should find an opens source program to decrypt it. You can use , it is also available on GitHub and you should download the code and run it offline.
Can you post a step by step guide? I would like to access my funds from Bitcoin Core. I believe I can only to this if I import somehow the private key from into Bitcoin Core. But I can't seem to find from where do I get the private key from Please advise.
I don't use online wallets, they are not secure, but I found this topic for you .
Just follow the first part on exporting your private key from the
This should give you the xpriv key. Then go to download the latest version's source code in zip format.
Unplug your Internet cable.
Unzip it and I guess you open a file in your browser.
Then go to "Wallet Details" tab, put your private key in and I guess it should tell you your private key at "Private Key WIF".
Then open Bitcoin Core, go to Help->Debug Window and click the "Console" tab. There type in "importprivkey
You should encrypt your wallet as well before hand if you didn't already by going to Settings->Encrypt wallet...