any solution for this?
i thought that i could do this with the public keys but i think i was wrong.
This depends on the addresses associated with your UTXOs. (
those 2 addresses with balance)
If its parent descriptor is indeed those "
combo()" descriptors, then,
there's no way you can import the descriptor's master public key pair of the master private key to Electrum due to its key derivation which entirely uses "
hardened derivation".
To make sure, use Bitcoin Core's console and use the command:
getaddressinfo "address" and it'll show you its parent descriptor.
If it's in any of the other descriptors (
excluding "tr"), then you can do the instructions in my previous reply.
i just want a way to:
- check the balance of all my addresses
- have a list of all my addresses that i can give around to people (don't want to reuse the same wallet address)
- don't want to download the whole blockchain (eg. using bitcoin core)
If it's still in the combo() descriptors;
One way to do this is to send all of your coins to your newly generated address that is a child of your new descriptors or to a new wallet.
Then those descriptor's extended public key can be imported to Electrum.
For the latter (new wallet); you can use an Electrum "
Cold Storage" setup which uses an offine Air-Gap Electrum and an online watch-only Electrum.
Basically, create a new Electrum wallet in an offline machine, import its xpub to an online Electrum, then this'll fulfill your requirements.
Link: the former (
same Bitcoin Core wallet); get a new addresses (
not bech32m) in Bitcoin Core's receive tab and use
getaddressinfo command.
Among the results, "
ismine" and "
solvable" should be both true, then "
parent_desc" isn't the migrated combo descriptor from your legacy wallet.dat which Electrum doesn't support.
Then to absolutely make sure that you're not using a watch-only Bitcoin Core wallet, use
getwalletinfo command and see if "
private_keys_enabled" is true.
After confirming those, you can import its parent descriptor's extended public key to Electrum to restore that address and all of your (
future) address of the same script type.
You can double-check Electrum's 'Addresses' tab (
View->Show Addresses) to see if it has same addresses you create in Bitcoin Core's 'Receive' tab. (
same address type selected)
Lastly, to send your current bitcoin to your selected destination without the blockchain (
using Electrum and Bitcoin Core):
- In Electrum, create a new watch-only imported wallet by selecting "Import new addresses or private keys" in new wallet menu, then paste the two addresses there.
- Wait for the balance to sync, then create an unsigned transaction using the 'Send' tab. (send to either your new wallet's address or your new descriptor' address)
- Export that transaction by clicking "Share->Save to file/Copy to Clipboard".
- In Bitcoin Core, select the correct wallet if you have multiple loaded, then import the transaction using the menu: "File->Load PSBT from...".
- Sign it and then copy the signed PSBT string, open the console and use the command: finalizepsbt "copied_PSBT_string"
- Copy the result signed raw transaction and import that to Electrum using "Tools->Load transaction->from Text", review everything and click broadcast to send it.