I am little bit confused how I answer your question. Just I want to say this is the most garbage idea ever I have seen. You are use unnecessary color on your post.
I have a suggestion I'd like to discuss:
It's was necessary to use red color ? About your idea , it's clearly indicate for spaming. There is no change to get merit from forum system. Only way to get merit from user. So if you make this kind of garbage post, who will merited you ? Nobody I guess. You are talking about make spammy forum. But reality is merit system was implement to prevent spam. Let's see what say theymos:
I'm hoping that this system will increase post quality by:
- Forcing people to post high-quality stuff in order to rank up. If you just post garbage, you will never get even 1 merit point, and you will therefore never be able to put links in your signature, etc.
Look like you are much angry with merit system. But I believe merit system working fine. If your idea implement than people's will start buy reply. Already many marketplace you will find offer, like fiverr. I was post about that.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/spammer-selling-comment-reply-through-fiverr-spamming-on-ann-thread-4651326So better forget it and lock your thread to avoid further spam. I can see you are a spam yourself. Just your this post quality indicates how is your other post quality. I never need to read your profile & I put you my
ignore list.
Avoid other new idea, just try to make some quality post & try to help forum by some helpful post.